18. Bad Moon Rising

Start from the beginning

The girls and I just stared at him. 

"It's OK," Lewis assured us, "You can thank me later."

I knew he meant well. The girls and I planned on sticking with our original plan, which was to keep the window blinds closed for the entire night and stick to the rooms where the moonlight wouldn't beam its way in.

The five of us got to work at blocking out the moonlight by closing the blinds, rolling towels to cover the bottom of the doors, and covering the front door with the black tarp and duct tape.

"There. That's everything," Emma smiled after sealing the door with the tarp and duct tape.

"See?" Lewis grinned, "I should have been a tradesman. We can all sleep easy now."

"We?" the girls and I gave him a questioning expression.

"Well, I'm-- I'm up for a girl's night in." Lewis pulled out a packet of popcorn from his pocket, "Snacks, anyone?"

"Forget it, Lewis. You can't stay," Emma shook her head at him, "I promised my parents no boys."

"Yeah, if my dad and grandpa were here, they'd kick ya out at the right time," I nodded at Lewis.

"If that were a scene in a movie, I'd watch it," Rikki smiled at me.

"So, this is the thanks I get?" Lewis sighed feeling that his great methods were pushed onto the back burner, "I gotta say, it hurts. It hurts right here." He tapped his chest.


When it came time for Lewis to leave, Cleo, Emma, and I herded him to the door.

"Uh, OK. I will call you every hour, on the hour," he told us.

"OK, now go. It's nearly moon time," Emma urged and nudged him towards the door.

As the door opened, I shut my eyes in case the moonlight beamed its way inside. When I heard the door close, I opened my eyes.

"Rikki, is everything all right?" Emma asked Rikki who sat on one of the chairs in the living room in complete silence.

"Yeah. Everything's fine," Rikki replied, "Why wouldn't it be OK?"

I went over to my duffle bag and pulled out a deck of cards deciding to help pass the time by getting the girls into a card game.

"Zoey, stay away from the curtains," Rikki warned me.

"OK," I nodded at her detecting that she was worried about something. 

Emma asked Cleo for her opinion about her butt looking too big in the jeans she was wearing. Cleo assured her that they were flattering. I went through the duffle and pulled out Scrabble.

"You guys up for a game or two?" I asked, "Or maybe we could put on a movie or some music? I just downloaded the latest Avril Lavigne album off iTunes."

"Got any ice cream?" Rikki asked right out of the blue and headed for the kitchen and opened the freezer.

She sighed in frustration mentioning that all it was in there was just tofu. I knew the Gilbert family were health nuts, but I didn't hold it against them for choosing to live that way. It always made me think twice about the kind of food I'm consuming.

When Rikki started venting that the room was getting hot, I dropped what I was doing and peeled off my plaid shirt feeling the temperature rise. I had a tank top on, which left me somewhat cool. I suspected Rikki had accidentally gazed at the moonlight or touched water, which would explain her overreacting.

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