15. The Big Chill

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"Whatcha doin' up early, kiddo?" Dad asked as he entered the kitchen and went over to the coffee maker.

"Just got a text from Emma. She's needing some extra help getting the cafe open since Wilfred's outta town," I answered.

"How 'bout I give ya a lift there."

"It's not far from here you know."

"I insist."

Knowing Dad wasn't taking no for an answer, I let him drive me to the cafe. Emma stood outside as if she were waiting for someone. On seeing us, I could tell she recognized Dad's car.

"Thanks for the lift," I turned to him, "Though you didn't have to."

"Not a problem," Dad smiled like he was glad to drive me, even if it was a short distance.

I got out of the vehicle.

"Good, you're here," Emma sighed in relief, "There's something you should see." She pulled me inside the cafe. I saw that Cleo had also arrived.

Noticing Emma's reaction, it told me that something had happened and she thought to contact Cleo and me seeing us as a couple of the only people she trusted.

"Em, what's goin' on here?" I asked as she led us into the back room, which was known as a cool room.

As Emma showed Cleo and me into the freezer, to my horror, Miriam's frozen body stood in place. I could only hope she was still alive. Cleo tapped a finger on Miriam's cheek and it sounded like glass being clinked.

"I just kind of accidentally snap-froze her," Emma explained to us, "It could happen to anyone."

That told me Emma used her power to keep the freezer at a cold temperature.

"Anyone with mermaid powers," Cleo clarified, "She must have been hiding in here and then turned the power off. That is so mean."

That also told me Miriam tried to cause trouble for Emma and Rikki by shutting off the power in the freezer. And when Emma realized that the temperature rose higher, she used her ice power after turning on the freezer, not knowing Miriam was hiding in there.

"Ok, we can fix this," Emma nodded trying to keep herself calm, "All we need is a simple solution to a simple problem."

"Em, she's frozen solid. This isn't a simple problem, it's a simple disaster," I shook my head, "And second, we need to get her to a warmer room and defrost her before the cafe opens."

"Zoey's right," Cleo turned to Emma, "We need help."

"Hello!" Lewis called out, "Anybody home?"

"In here, Lewis,"

"What's he doing here?" Emma asked sounding like she was about to freak out and not involve any more people in the problem.

"I called him," Cleo replied.

"There you are," Lewis remarked as he arrived in the freezer, "Now ladies, what seems to be the, uh, the big crisis? Whoa!" As he finished his sentence, he gasped at the sight of Miriam's frozen body and turned to Emma, "You did this with your powers?"

"Accidentally," Emma responded fearing that she might have killed Miriam.

"This is a catastrophe, right?" Cleo asked Lewis.

"Well, in the, in the normal world definitely," he answered, "But, Emma's power is abnormal and can freeze things in milliseconds. Miriam's vital functions might not necessarily be compromised."

"So you mean we can revive her?" 

"I, I'm not sure. Maybe."

"How?" Emma wondered.

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