"Not in those words exactly. But everything she said about the full moon turned out to be true, didn't it?"

"It did," I nodded recalling the last full moon.


Later, we learned that the harbormaster was having Miss Chatham's boat, the Lorelei taken away as it wasn't up to code. Seeing the distressed expression on the elderly woman's face, I could tell she had a lot of sentimental memories of it, especially of the ones of her late husband.

Emma had us get some paint and rolling brushes wanting to give the Lorelei a fresh coat to make it look newer. Rikki was doubting that the plan would work. Since Miss Chatham knew Ida well, I too made an effort to try and help support her, and Emma's determination.

"Rikki, it's her home," Emma expressed, "We've gotta help her."

The four of us arrived at the Lorelei. It looked like it could use some upgrading.

"You're kidding," Rikki remarked upon arrival, "It's a pile of junk."

"A coat of paint will spruce it up," Emma pointed out, "Now stop arguing and start painting."

"It needs more than paint. It needs a new boat."

"Rikki being negative. What a surprise."

"Though it could use a major upgrade in the engine area," I suggested, "And a little bit of remodeling."

"Get real! We can't do this," Rikki frowned.

"And even if you did, it's not going to make a difference," the harbormaster arrived, "I know you're trying to help, but you're wasting your time. The boat's got rust all through its structural framework. Do I need to go on? She's better off without it."

"That is your opinion, not mine," Miss Chatham arrived and confronted him, "I'll be leaving now, thank you." She went past us determined to get on the Lorelei.

"You know you can't do that. I've referred this matter on. The boat has been impounded by the water police. It's not seaworthy."

"It's my home. I live here."

"Miss Chatham, they're just doing what they think is right," Emma tried assuring the woman, "They're trying to help."

"I've got to get my things," Miss Chatham expressed, "They're just after my treasure."

"Let's just go home, back to my place. We'll talk about it there."

"I want what's mine. They're after my treasure, all of them."

The girls and I escorted Miss Chatham back to the Gilbert house. I had a feeling when she mentioned treasure, I figured it was something of huge importance to her.


Later, we all had dinner. Miss Chatham had an amazing recipe for clam chowder. Everyone got a kick out of it. I was for sure planning on saving the recipe if I ever planned on making it in the future.

The girls and I sat in the living room after helping clean up the table and getting Miss Chatham comfortable and seeing that she took her medication.

"Friendship. That's the most important thing," the elderly woman told us, "I appreciate what you're trying to do for me. But the burden you carry is too great to carry alone."

"Wait, what burden?" Cleo wondered though it was obvious to Rikki, Emma, and me, "Oh, that one."

"When you're different, it helps if you have friends who understand. I had friends."

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