12. The Siren Effect

Start from the beginning

"Wednesday," I replied.

"It's the full moon," the woman informed us.

"Yep. We've remembered," Cleo nodded.

Ever since the first full moon, I've been marking my calendar for when the next one occurred. After Emma fell under the moon spell, I feared that I would be next and cause something that would worry my dad and grandparents. Plus, the girls and I planned a sleepover and we'd cover the windows to keep the moonbeam out.

"We're getting ready," I added.

"But is it gonna be as bad as last time?" Cleo wondered, "Are weird things gonna happen to Emma again, or Rikki, or Zoey, or me, even? I'd hate that."

"Forewarned is forearmed, but, only sometimes," the woman nodded.

Cleo's phone rang then.

"Remember, do not touch water when the moon is full," the strange lady warned.

I slowly nodded once again taking in every word she said like it was the only lifeline.

Cleo answered the phone, "Mum?"

I was about to ask the strange woman some more questions about Ida and her potential connection with Mako Island when the lady suddenly vanished.

Cleo hung up after briefly talking with her mom and saw that the woman was nowhere in sight.

"I wish she'd stop doing that," she sighed.

"Me too," I nodded, "I have lotta questions to ask her about my great aunt and how she knew Mako Island and the Moon Pool so well enough to draw them in detail."

"I'm sure you will get your answers soon, Zoey."

"Thanks, Cleo."


Later, after work, I went with Cleo to the grocers since her mom asked her to pick up some milk on her way home. I purchased some snacks and a couple of soda packs for the sleepover even though Cleo told me she had set it all up. I felt like contributing a little bit.

Dad dropped me off at the Sertori house just as Emma and Rikki arrived there and helped me carry the soda packs.

"I didn't know he would be there," Dad told me as Lewis showed up at the house.

"I didn't know either," I shook my head as I swung my backpack strap on my shoulder and carried in the snacks, "I'm sure Mr. Sertori will make him leave soon."

"I might just stick around to help be sure of that."

Whenever Dad made up his mind about something, he made it clear and stuck with it. Most often, it was for the best. Though I had a feeling he would suspect something if he saw the girls and me covering the windows to block out the moonbeam. Mainly, Dad would be more concerned that a boy showed up, though Lewis was just a friend and nothing else. 

Cleo's parents greeted us as we got inside the house. It turned out the Sertori couple was familiar with Dad. I wondered if others around the area have never met him before. 

Later, we were all in the living room watching a horror movie, one of the films Lewis brought over. The girls and I were on the couch together. Mr. Sertori, Dad, and Lewis were on the other sofa across from us. Since the movie had a restricted rating, Dad made an effort to skip some of the scenes that were too graphic.

"Don't open the door," Rikki shook her head at the screen as she was engrossed with the film.

"What do ya think is gonna happen, Zo?" Dad asked.

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