Scroll 2: Time To Go

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Katyusha: What?!! He didn't tell us anything-

??: Oh? So my daughter already know too.

Albert: Eh, privet Mr.Aleksandr.

Aleksandr: Privet.

Katyusha: Papa! You know it since he arrived but you didn't tell us anything?!

Aleksandr: Hey, blame your own husband. He didn't want anybody know it, and you know his words are absolute.

Albert: *giggles*

Katyusha: Huh! How do you know it then papa?!

Aleksandr: Hehe, secrets. Eh, for now, since when you know his real identity?

Katyusha: Huft! Changing topics I see. It's when we are still in Byzantium

Aleksandr: *looking at Albert* And you have no objections with it?

Albert: Yes. She finds out first anyway. I still want to close my identity to the others for now. So please keep the secret everyone, just untill the time comes at the right place.

Katyusha: ...............Alright.

Albert: Thank you. By the way Mr.Aleksandr, is there a single mail from Uncle Vasily?

Aleksandr: *sigh* Sadly still, no clue. I write the mails as always but there are still no reply.

Albert: This is suspicious.

Aleksandr: Indeed it was. I hope the princep act fast to solve this problem.

Albert: Yes, I believe in him.

Aleksandr: You too. You shouldn't stay here forever.

Albert: Indeed Mr.Aleksandr. I've been thinking of it but I don't know why my mind and senses says that I should stay here and wait longer, I don't know what I am waiting for here.

Katyusha: ......You are gonna leave me alone?

Albert: No, don't say that. Never should I leave you alone. I will at least secure this village's supply line and siege sustainability. I shouldn't forsake any of my responsibility.

Katyusha: ...............

Aleksandr: He's right. It's the consequence, but you should believe him.

Katyusha: .....Okay. While you're still here, let's enjoy our time, shall we?

Albert: Yes. Wanna take a walk around the village?

Katyusha: That's...a good idea...

Aleksandr: Alright cute couple. Enjoy your times, I'll leave you alone. *walks away*


(Forest below Zelenyy forest, Albert and Katyusha are walking together while enjoying their surroundings)

Katyusha: It will be such a grief for me if you go....I can't think of it. And we're not even close to the much worse case....what if you go to battlefield then you...go away forever...

Albert: Ssh. Don't say that. You need to trust me that I can survive any battlefield. Do you know that I was nicknamed "The mon of thousand souls" by my legionaries?

Katyusha: I never know that nickname.

Albert: And now you know. I've been through many engagements that can take away my life, yet I am still survived. For example where I am on a plains nearby city of Carrhae in mesopotamia. When my legions are actively patrol around the empire. There, we are attacked by Parthian horse archers, our cavalry supports are routed, running away from the battlefield.

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