EoH : The Cursed Bloodline Prologue

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Once upon a time, in the world of Pokémons, times before order and law were invented, nations aren't yet built. The lands are just newly inhabited and tribes were formed. So the time went by, it all went peaceful, but we know that we aren't a living Mon if we never experience and feel our own ego and arrogancy. Each tribe began claiming lands for themselves, but not all lands catch their interest and fulfill their desires, but after they look at each other's lands, they began planning and doing something, something that their ancestors never did to reach a goal.
It's war.

Many tribes were annihilated and cultures are vanishing. Untill one time, The power that created all of this world that we call "God" had enough of all those. The God erased all Mons memory about their moves, powers, and all about what happened before. Made them had no choice but to use anything they find in nature to help them alive. This is when we discover "Tools".

Tribes, cultures were once more flourished and live along. Trade and communications between tribe were established, tribes began to settle the lands, cultivate crops, farming, formed an entity that we know as "Village" and the bigger ones called "City". Between cities, formed alliance and union that leads the path into civilization. Nations were formed by city states, some are ruled by a king, some by an elected leader, and some by a tribe chieftain. Between nations established diplomacy, and the diplomacy were always peaceful and good. But sometimes, the forgotten history repeat itself. Disputes, ego, glorythirst, and personal interests spark a thing that once again enraged "God".
It's war.

Indeed they forgotten their power and moves, but they now have a tool that can kill their "enemies", we call them "weapon". Bronze were formed, Irons mined from below earth and hammered on anvil, shaped into axe, swords, shields, javelins, pike, bow, arrow and you name it. They never stop waging war, creating army and empires. "God" is angered once again, but it seems like it was our trait, if it wasn't, what makes a Pokémon a Pokémon?

On the continent of Europa, there is a growing empire that is prosperous and peaceful, ruled by an emperor from a family of Eeveelution. They call themselves the Hohenzollern family. From a humble beginning in the city-state of Rome, Hohenzollern family succesfully conquer the entire Etalian peninsula and pacify all the tribes within it. They never stopped there, they conquer every civilization in Europe. Their dominion are huge, they even surrounds an entire sea named MARE·INTERNVM(Middle Sea), later they called it MARE·NOSTRVM(Our Sea) at the heights of their civilization. As all great things should be, it's existence were threatened, either by internal or external problem. But they are stubborn, they cease to give up and always made it. "God" were impressed and pointing them as peacekeeper for the civilized world of west and sealed the "eternal" fate. Hohenzollern family called their empire, "SENATVS·IMPERATVS·POKÉMONQVE·ROMANVS"
the senate, empire and Pokémons of Rome.
Sit scriptor satus iter[Lets get the journey started].....

Eeveelutions of Hohenzollern : The Cursed BloodlineWhere stories live. Discover now