Scroll 2: Vacation's Over?

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(On a beach in Lesbos island)

Irene: Playing on a beach as always has been fun! I'll swim first! *run towards the water*

Sviatoy: Woohoo! Looks fun! *followed Irene*

Vasily: Take care! So, we are gonna lay a picnic mat here?

Vanya: Yep, we'll lay a mat here.

Aleksandr: I'll look for any streetfood stands or shops here. The rest can play and enjoy the view.

Albert: Katyusha? Wanna play on the water together?

Katyusha: Hmm? Nah no. I'll just enjoy the view.

Albert: .........*grab Katyusha's arm then pull her towards the waterline*

Katyusha: Hey! Hey! Don't you dare do th-

(Katyusha fell)

Albert: Oops.


Albert: Oops, sorry.

Katyusha: *pushed him really hard*

(Albert fell)

Albert: Huft! *splashes the water towards Katyusha*

Katyusha: Oooh, you dared to do that....take this!

(Both were in war of water splash)

Sviatoy: Hey! May I join too?

(Sviatoy just standing on crossfire line, making him the real victim of battlefield)

Sviatoy: Blp! Bllp!

Albert: Oops.

Katyusha: Uhh, are you ok?

Sviatoy: Huuh!

(Irene suddenly jumps from underwater and suprise Sviatoslav)

Irene: BAAAH!

Sviatoy: AAAAH!....Aunt Irene?! Don't do that!

Irene: Hehehe, looks like there is a war of water splash here. Let me join! *splashing water everywhere*

(All of them continued the war)

Iulia: always happy and childish...just like you Vasily. She was really lucky to have you.

Vasily: Ehe, I was really lucky to have her too. Thank you for accepting me.

Iulia: Heh, anytime. Happy to have you too.

Albert: *pant* Duh, I'm so exhausted. Let's have a rest everyone.

Irene: Huft, agreed.

Aleksandr: Heeey everyoone! Let's have a snack here!

Sviatoy: Yeee!

(All of them walk onto the shore)

Aleksandr: Haven't found a distinct and different snack. So, I just bought every food of a different name that exist.

Vanya: Breads, fresh stuffs and of course olive oil.

(Everyone eats then proceed to go back to the villa and have a rest in the night. Morning later)

Vasily: Hey everyone! Wanna have a tour for this day? I think it will be interesting to have a tour and knowing more about this island. Everyone can follow me?

Albert: Let's go.

Vasily: OK! Bring some of your stuffs if needed. I will wait for all infront of this villa.

(A while after on the way)

Vasily: Everything you need to know about the story of this island is, not only that it was a tourist spot. In old days, the island actually a pirate nest. Especially here, the city of Mytilene, it was one of the biggest pirate city nest ever existed in old days.

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