Chapter 62

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Dillans POV

I can't stop tapping my foot as Zoya drives the both of us to see Delma. God knows what happened to her for her to end up in the OT. Strangely that place has been like our second home for the past few months.

I felt I had resting on my thigh. "Don't do that" she said as she focused on the road. "I'm sorry amor. I know you're tensed as well but u can't help it.  And you leaning in as my support" I say as I take her hand which is on my thigh and kiss the back of it. "It makes me feel some kind of relief." I said and she retrieved her hand from me placing it on the steering wheel.

"Yes I'm tensed but right now I really don't  care about you. I care about Delma. I care about her baby. And the tapping? I just made you stop that because that was quite irritating and I'm driving." She said and shrugged. I looked at her and chuckled. This moment and time I've surely given up.

"We're  here" she said parking in the VIP section. Getting out of the car we rush to the OT where we find a female doctor standing there.

"Oh Ms Zoya please Delma has strictly told me to tell you that she wants to meet you back at the house." She said and I could see her playing with her fingers because of the hard stare that she was getting from Zoya. "May I know why?" Asked Zoya in an awfully calm voice.

"B-because she w-wants you there"replied the doctor. "And the OT" Asked Zoya. "I-i-i can't tell you that yet" she said and looked down. I placed my hand on Zoya's  shoulder and she looked  at me.

"I wish you didn't  have to look this sexy infront of so many people" I whispered to her and a slight blush appeared on her face. "I'd really love to take you right now" I said.

And I wasn't lying she was looking ravishing when she was angry and calm at the same time. "Dillan" she said as she tried to look anywhere but at me. "Yes my love. Anything wrong?" I asked as I pulled her close. "Dillan people are watching" she said as she became flushed from all that blush.

"Then let's take this elsewhere" I said kissing her Jaw before someone  cleared their throat behind us.

"It is a hospital  you do know that,right ?" Said Anita who was holding a clip board. Yes , she was now a qualified doctor and the COS of the hospital. "Hie Nita." Said Zoya.

"I supposed we should get going. Delma is waiting for Zoya back at the house" I said as I said my goodbyes to.Anita we went back to the house. Not mine but James and  Delma's house.

When we got there we heard crying of a baby from the living room. I stiffened at the thought of whose baby that might have been. "But she's got another  2months" mumbled Zoya as she also heard the baby's cries.

We looked at each other  then looked at the staircase. We decided on just finding out. We followed the noise up to  the nursery built for Delma's baby.

She had her back turned to us but it didn't need guessing to know she was holding a baby. "She was rocking the baby back and forth  whispering something to the forever crying baby.

"Aren't you supposed to be feeding it or  something? " I asked and she turned around and shit just got more confusing.

She still had her baby bump but she was holding a newly born baby. "Oh its not mine" she said with her eyes twinkling. "It's Zoya's  baby" she said and Zoya stiffened beside me. "What!" Both of  us said Zoya was looking at the baby , while I was looking at her.

Upon feeling my gaze on her , Zoya turned to me and huffed. "You honestly think I gave birth?" She asked. I just kept on looking back at her an then the baby. They both had black her but the baby's hair has a bit curly.

"You guys have the same hair color and the same eye color  as well and look his skin is just so milky  soft. Noone would ever doubt a thing" said Delma.

"Delma I need you to slow down. What do you mean I'm his mother?"  Asked Zoya looking at the baby in Delma's  arms.

"Oh that's a sad story. I found him in a basket outside my office when I went there to pick up some files for the project we've been working on. It just had one message." She turned around and went towards the window  and picked up a note in the basket and handed it over to Zoya and then she handed it over to me.

He's just 1month old.

"Zoya look you can take care of him. I've seen how best you've handled baby Jared and Star's twins. You can do this more than I can. Please Zoya look after him. Please." Begged Delma looking at Zoya hopefully.

"And what if I get so attached to him and his mother comes back.?" Asked Zoya. "Then will do this legally. You'll adopt him and he'll legal be all yours" said Delma.

Zoya sighed and looked at me. "Are you okay with this.?" She asked me. I was taken aback and I just looked back and forth between the baby then Zoya.

"Uh I'll leave you two alone" said Delma as she put  the baby in the cradle before wobbling out of the room. Her pregnant self got her walking like a penguin.

"Why are you asking me." I asked Zoya. "Because every decision we'll make  has to be from both parties. I just can't be selfish about this and accept this baby without you accepting him too." She said but that wasn't a good enough answer for me.

"Why , Zoya" I asked again. "Dillan. It's because I love you and everything I do I want it to be with you fully involved. I know right now our lives aren't the brightest but they aren't the darkest as well. I can't promise to always be perfect in this but I'm willing to try but the final decision all rests on to you. Do we keep him?" She asked me.

Every word that she said right now literally  melted my heart. I took her hands in mine and kissed then. "Zoya , parenting was always part of my to do list with you. Yes I didn't expect it to be so soon but with you. Hell yeah. I'm ready as ill ever be. I promise to be supportive and participative through out this and just so you know I love you too" I said before pecking her lips and moving the both of us the cradle.

We both looked at the beautiful  angel who laid infront of us. After moments of staring at him he started to steer in his sleep. Zoya motioned  for me to pick him up and I was a bit hesitant  at first but when I did. I got the most beautiful  feeling within me.

"He's so tiny. And soft" I whispered to Zoya who was looking at the little infant in my arms. When he opened his blue angelic eyes both Zoya and I gasped.

Everything  about him was so capturing  that you could never say no to him.

"Hie baby , this is your mom and I. I'm your dad." I said as the baby boy before he closed his eyes and snuggled deeper into my arms in his tiny self.

"I guess this is it?" Said Zoya and I looked at her confused.

"Mr Kai , welcome to parenthood"

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