Chapter 51

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Zoya's POV

"Good morning  Princess we were starting to get worried about you. How are you feeling." I said a voice that was making way too much noise for me. I was trying my best not to move because every move felt like I was setting  my body on fire.

"Aww are the ropes to tight , is the light too bright , is the chair too hard or is my voice just annoying?" Sakd the voice mockingly.

Yes the fourth option did sound  appealing. Opening my eyes I come face to face with the very last person  I want to see.

"You don't look happy seeing me , why?" She asked.  "When am I ever happy seeing you?" I asked.

"That's exactly what makes me  mad. I try by all mean to make you happy but you just don't care." Said a voice from the other side of the room.

"Zuzu , and who ever that prick is I really need you to let me go before I kill the both of you" I said.

I honestly  couldn't do this with them right now. There's too much to take care of and very little time to take care of it.

"So what now. We  listen to you?" Asked  Zuzu folding her hands across her chest. "Why am I here in the first place" I asked leaning as forward ad my body would go. "What do you mean why are you here." Said the voice again.

He had a gun tattoo  on his neck.

"You killed my father and you ask why you're here. It's just easy it's for my retribution. We was a peace loving guy. He was always at the winning side but you couldn't appreciate  that could you now. But that's okay. We don't appreciates  what's not good for us and you did just that. I understand I really do. And to show you that I do understand  I'll use you for my own gain instead of killing you."  He said 

"So what do you wanna do" I asked him.

"All that was meant to happen  is happening. Alex is back home with his wife and their on their way to the hospital as we speak which means the house isn't properly  in place as everyone is worried for the premature birth that's happening

Which mean it's more time for us to sneak into the house go through the many confusing twists and turns and get to Great grandmother Salia's  portrait enter the password 34Ce43Ec get they military weapon destroy everyone insight and force everyone else into submission without blood lost and you my dear Rammos will be put of the business for good."  He said.

"Careful planing isn't it. By the way Alex and Star are having twins. The doctor really gave me more than enough information when I asked. And also they are both Boys. " He said.

I just looked at his pathetic grinning face until he turned it into a frown.

"Something interesting you princess." He asked. "It's just that I've never seen anyone quite like you. I feel acquaintance already but I don't know your name yet"  I said and Zuzu scoffed .

"Rome, Big R first and only son" he said. "Nice name but I'm not sure if you're his only son Rome but hey , who am I so say anything."  I said and I earned a very hard punch from Zuzu which caused my micro chip to burst in my ear.

Yeah I knew I was getting kidnapped that's why Mirach gave me a microchip just incase it happened. And well  it did happen. Now that I've got all the info I need for this dumbest it's time to go home.

By now the deal with Santiago  should've been finalized. I had to send  Miles there because of this delay.

"Zuzu you should've known that me being calm and not ripping these ropes to set myself free was me being  reasonable." I said in a calm voice.

"Now you tell me why I should remain reasonable now that you've punched me and  my have caused a  very server damage to my ear?" I asked clearly noticing the change of emotion from pride to fear but she was doing a good job masking it.

"Exactly you don't give me any reason  to remain  reasonable and for that the following events are going to be presented to you at the course of your own foolish actions" i said  ripping the ropes from my wrist and ready to wreck havoc.

"It's Hell on earth baby" I said before gettting straight into action.

Dillan's POV

I wake up lower body covered in white sheets and my chest bare. Remembering last night I jump.out of bed only to find Essence gone.

I walk to the shower while everything about Zoya began to  haunt me.

Her smile

Her laugh

Her pout

Her lips on mine

Her soft skin against my rough hands

It was priceless compared to Essence. She was fake.  Everything about her.

I couldn't stop myself yesterday. It's one of the biggest crimes I've ever committed.

I could've stopped but I went along with it. How stupid could I have gotten. After putting on my sports shorts and shirt  and went downstairs for a milkshake.

When I got stairs I met  with Fareez who was preparing a milkshake herself.

"Good morning " I said before sliding to a stool on the kitchen island.

"Not the best morning but how are you?" She asked while giving me a glass.

"I'm at my best" which was a complete lie.

"The sounds you made last sure does prove that" she said causing to choke on my drink.

"Zoya would've  not expected that from you" she said and I looked that her shocked.

"Yes Dillan , she's the owner of the military academy. She's been keeping you safe all this time. She's protected you from all dangers. Your Mafia is under intense training due to her. She's been keeping your Mafia on its feet while you do what  , sleep around with the only person she can't tolerate. I won't lie to your face Dillan but Zoya and  you had the most perfect thing going on.  And you messed it up because you don't have self control and you'll never have it  " she said and left me to sink into the words that she'd just poured onto me.

This whole time it was her. She's been the one behind every thing. Absolutely  everything.

Those deals. Those weapons.  Even me. It was all her. I ran my hands in my hair.

"Whats wrong Kai" Asked James walking into the the kitchen.

"I messed up. I really messed it up. More than I did last time. I really messed up" I said as I hid my face in my hands.

"Talk to me what did you do?" Asked James and he put his hand on my shoulder.

"I- I- I cheatedonZoyawithEssence"

I felt his grip tighten .

"Mind saying that slower " he asked lowly.

" I cheated on Zoya with Essence. Trust me man I didn't know what happened. It's just happened I lost control and 1 thing led to another. I'm really sorry man I am." 

James just patted my back. "It's okay. We'll walk through this with you" he said and I looked at him only to find his twin with him.

"Zoyas wants to speak with you" said a voice from behind.

"Take this phone and speak to her."

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