Chapter 18

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Zoya's POV

You tell me. If life gave you a chance. What you would you change. What would you take back?

Laughs slightly "I wouldn't take back a single thing because life gave me everything for a reason."

You can't be too sure. Imagine your worst mistake. Do you think it'll be worth nothing leaving it like that.

"That's what I'm telling you. My worst mistake built me up to be the person I've become. It's better to be like this than to change anything that happened in the past. Do you know why?"

Why ?

"Because I  realised that love pushes life and not death"

I was so engrossed in the movie that I didn't notice my mom coming in and turning off the laptop. I looked at her and she smiled while taking off my headphones.

"The couch is now complaining  you've been sitting her for almost 6hours now. Get up let's get you refreshed" she said pulling me up.

"What do you want for lunch" she asked. "What do I not want is the question?" I said. We both laughed at that.

"Mmmm okay there's  some noodles  and mushrooms soup prepared  by the chef just for you. And there's-" before she could tell me anything else I raised my hand.

"I'll take the noodles and mushrooms please" I said. She nodded and we kept talking about random stuff till we reached the dining room where everyone else was.

"Are you even cold?" Asked Archie looking at my dressing. I was wearing my black trackpants. And his oversized white hoodie.

"Are you not?" I asked taking my seat across him. "Its hot I mean look at everyone. Noone has anything you're wearing on" he said.

"Just let me be ugly in peace" I said as the helpers brought my food to me. I muttered a thank you before I dug into my food.

After 5 spoons I was full. "Weird" I muttered. I had an enormous  appetite  when mom told me what was for lunch what happened now.

"You're done " Asked Andre looking at me weirdly. "I don't know." I said.

"Princess you haven't even eaten anything. What's wrong?" Asked Alpha. I just shook my head. "I'm full I guess." I said.

"Why don't we feed you" said Andrew while circling the table just to get to my sit. "I mean we've all fed you before it's not that hard " he said.

"No Andrew  but thank you. I'm really full." I said. He just shook his head "Anderson called before lunch he said that you have to eat alot of food some of which you might find irritating  and some you just don't want to stop eating it. So basically you're pregnant. That's why everyone  has a different plate." He said.

"So you'll start with  mine" he said. He fed me some of his food. They tasted really bland. Then Archie's  food came next  Jesus  Chirst is tasted awful. Then Andre's  food.

I'm not exactly sure what is was but all I can say was it tasted soo good but after a couple of intakes I was full again. But the family wasn't convinced.  Alex fed me his it was  too sweet. It was actually pudding. Dad had custard and it tasted like baby food. Then mom's vegetable  salad  was also something I ate. Allan's food was spicy and I ate all of it.  Alpha's  food was okay but still I didn't want it.

ZOYA   Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя