Chapter 5

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Anna's POV

"No I want her hair tied up. Yes and make sure that the crown sits on the head don't let it fall.....oh the shoes check for any cracks don't put red nail polish on her...are you even an artist....what's wrong with you lip gloss really" mom just kept barking orders at the designers to a point were I was feeling bad for them myself.

They were so confused well after all they were dealing with Mrs Patrick Rammos one of the worlds richest man in business. *that's what people knew, a great business man* . "I could fire you for your poor service" said a voice from behind us. "You're overcrowding her for goodness sake" said Alex. "Along with good makeup comfortness is needed.

So please one of you at a time. You have 4hours with her." He said while.looking at the girls. "Who is doing the hair?" He asked. Two girls.stepped up "Okay you guys start" he said snapping his fingers. "Who is doing the make up" a girl stepped up

"You seem to not know what you're doing. So I need you to assemble everything while you wait for the hairstylist to finish whatever they are doing." He said turning back to the girls. " and the nails?" Two girls stepped up "You start with her toes then her hands" he orders and they nodded and started on my nails. "Who is responsible for the dress" 3 other girls stepped up. "Okay then get on with it. Check for any errors and fix them and make sure she doesn't have a wardrobe malfunction because if she had one. You'll be working on the other side of the country" he said lowly. "Her shoes and crown" the last two girls stepped up

"You wait for your turns and do not get on your phones under any circumstances" he ordered. "If I hear my mother yelling again , you're all fired" he said. We walked up to me and gave me a kiss on my cheek. "Thanks" I said smiling at him. "Anything for my favourite person in the world. I gotta go back to work but I'll be downstairs when you're about to leave" I nodded and he kissed mom on the cheek and walked out of the room. Alex liked the word order and everything that fell under the word. He was strict when it came to orderliness. And I loved him for that.

As I was busy being dolled up Carlos called me picking up my phone I noticed it was actually a video chat. I asked one of the girls to connect it to my laptop. "Wooh ! Are you getting married or something?" He said noticing the people around me. "I'm a girl. A girl can only do so much." I said laughing. "Yeah a girl can only do so much but not the girl I'm looking at." Just then something seemed to click in his head. "Is Mrs Carlos around" I looked at him sternly while he had an evil smile on his face. "No she's not" I said. "Ooh come on. Let me talk to my wife" he said pouting. I rolled my eyes and turned the laptop to mom "Carlos , how are you darling" said mom smiling at him. "I'm fine now that I see you.

I was terribly worried about you" he said in a weird accent. Mom burst out laughing. "Are you sure Patrick doesn't know what you're doing" she asked while laughing. "You're gonna be in trouble" she said. Carlos laughed along with her "I'm never in trouble with Mr Rammos he's just jealous that I make you happier " he bragged.

Both of them where laughing so hard that sometimes it's like they forgot about everything. Carlos' family and mine where great friends. Our parents were very close before Alex was born. So you can imagine the bond. After they chatted a while they ended the call and I was done with everything. Only the dress , shoes and tiara. My dress was perfect I loved it. It was pink and white flowers from the bottom reaching a bit of the middle.

"Honey you look absolutely gorgeous" said mom wiping away a tear. "Why are you crying" I asked confused. "This is the first time you have ever let us doll you up I'm just happy. You look like a princess." She said hugging me." Why don't you go downstairs. All the gents are waiting for you." I nodded and went towards the stairs. The lights where a bit dim. And the stair rail was filled with flowers and some candles. Not wanting to ruin the vibe I gracefully walked downstairs. With all my brothers and dad waiting at the last stairs.

" You look perfect princess" said dad as I got to the last stair

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" You look perfect princess" said dad as I got to the last stair. He kissed my forehead and made way for my brothers. "You look too cute to be true" said Alpha as he kissed my cheek. "You leave us Speechless oh royal one" said Allan , Anderson and Archie while taking a bow. I laughed and returned their bow. "Your going to be the diamond in the room" said Alex and he kissed my forehead and slightly repositioned my crowned. He smiled at me "ready to go" I smiled and nodded.

Mom kissed me goodbye. There were 3 cars waiting for us outside. "The best for the princess" said dad as he opened the door of the middle car with was a limo for me.

Both of us got in with Allan and Alpha in the car ahead with some guards while Archie and Anderson were in the one behind with some guards as well. Alex had to stay behind because he was busy and mom wanted to meditate. Alex , Alpha , Archie and Anderson just can claiming it was security purposes which was a big lie.

Dillan's  POV

Okay me and my boys were already at the dance just looking at the crowd of fathers and daughters and some brothers.walking around happily. Just then everyone's attention turned to he door. Facing there I saw Clara  and her father  at the entrace. I rolled my eyes and took another sip of my drink. "Clara looks so great" said a girl as she passed me.

"She looks naked to be a daughter right now" I said but the girl heard me  and looked at me in shock. I guess being Clara's  boyfriend was alot.of work. "Now don't you have somewhere else to be?" I asked looking at her frustrated. She quickly regained herself and moved forward.

Clara  looked at me like she was expecting something. I just gave her a small smile and thumbs up. She wasn't dressed like a daughter in that blue backless body hugging dress that had a huge slit on the side. Hell  no my daughter  wouldn't leave the house like that.

Just then excited  screams were  heard from outside. Just then I proud feeling washed over me. I didn't need to know who had got there it was quite obvious. When I got outside there was a black limo parked at the end of the red carpet and it was between two  black discoveries.

Anyone would say that those guys were real business men but I would say those guys are Mafia dons. The guards got out of their cars along with the Rammos  brothers which caused the girls to.scream but the brothers kept straight looks.

Mr Patrick Rammos stepped put of the car himself wearing a black tux with a white shirt and black tie. He stood for a moment then reached put his hand. The she got out holding her dad's hand. She looked absolutely  phenomenal. "Gosh she's beautiful " I whispered. "It's true" said the girl from earlier. "She's  the one for you if you ask me" I looked at her and she walked away. The took their pictures with together and the guards stood  on their post. Nice.

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