Chapter 25

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Zoya's  POV

After the whole thing with Zain we made sure the guys were at the ally house before we got cleaned up ourselves. Since we had given our only ride to Alex since his queen was.on the verge of life or death  we were walking back to the hospital.

"How did you know that we'd be there?" Asked Andre. I just shrugged. "Alex told me to track his phone as soon as he left and check his location after every 25minutes." I said. "And after that?" Asked Alex.

"He said that  to call him every time.i checked his location. If he didn't answer it meant something was.wrong" I told them.  "So when I called he would answer but this time he didn't. So.i hacked into his phone to try and find his exact location. I made his phone call me instead. Picking up I heard Zains voice and I knew everything was wrong." I told them.

"So I suited up and here I am" I explained. "And your looks how do you explain. It's like you didn't even know me." Said Archie looking at me. "You gotta get used to that as well. I tend to see things from a different perspective when I'm eliminating people" I told them and it's true. It's like everytime I'm really fighting I loose sight of everyone faces. I just can tell that his the opposition  or his on our side. I know who to keep alive and who not to.

"Wow Zoyiee you rock" said Andrew lifting me off the ground and spinning me around. "But I also noticed something sassy about your moves. You're a poser" said Andre pointing at me. "No I'm not" I said.  "Oh yeah then how do you explain  jumping of that high point you were shooting from and couching with you hand on your knees.?" Asked Andre  folding his hands across his chest. " Guys I'm not a poser it just happens in its own" I said.

"Let's get some ice cream" said Andre going to the ice-cream man but stopped mid way and turned to me. "I need 3 bars of chocolate" I said.

Ice-cream petrified me. I just couldn't get her that incident. Matter of fact I stand about 20feet away from the ice cream stand. If I go close.enough it's pulled back to the memory.  But I don't hold anyone else back from having it.

The twins cane back with ice cream and my chocolate bars. We proceeded walking to the hospital we were almost there when something hit me. "Guys" I said lowly causing them to stop in their tracks. "Zoyiee what's wrong" said Andre everyone else was now surrounding me. "It's just that....ANDY DOESNT KNOW IM MISSING" I yelled the last part.

"Wait he doesn't" Asked Allan looking at me unapprovingly.  "He wouldn't even  let me come out of the hospital grounds on the basis of anything think he would let me go out because of this. It was going for so.etjing dangerous he would've back and he would've come instead". I explained while increasing my pace a bit. "Yeah so what's wrong with that?" Asked Archie causing me to stop dead in my tracks.

"Because dummy he would've started asking a lot of questions and you guys would've had some serious explaining to do to him. While me on the other hand don't know why I killed a bunch of men. I don't want stress before my surgery and I certainly  don't want my surgeon stressed too" I said.

"Whats the time anyway?" I asked. Andrew pulled  out his phone and looked at me. "You're dead. Anderson  is going to be checking up on you in 10minutes" we looked at each other and began running.

We all were maintaining each others speed but mostly Andre's speed because he was running and eating at the same time.

We reached the hospital and got in through the back door.

After we reached my room we were all a panting mess. "I need to do a breathing exercise if this has to stop. How.many more minutes" I asked but before anyone could answer. "4 more minutes" said a voice  from behind us.

ZOYA   Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin