Chapter 6

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Dillan's POV

The dance had now began. Everyone was talking to a friend  or their father. I was stuck up looking at my queen as she was having a blast with Carlos. Damn that guy she brings out that side of her that only I want want bring out. To top my frustration her parents might just arrange  for the both of them to get married as both the families and them are close. Just then my queen's  smile faded. She just nodded  at Carlos and smiled at him. He quickly kissed her cheek got her a drink a left. "Okay thats my queue " I said to myself walking up to her without knowing how  to actually get a conversation  going with her. "Quite an entrace you did back there" I said causing my queen to turn to me and smile. If only she knew what that smile did to me.

Anna's  POV

I was having a conversation  with Carlos about how one person can actually change from being oh so miss Holy to bad ass I don't care bitch. In between our conversation  Carlos had to heard back to the base. Him and my brothers were planning a new heist. He quickly kissed my cheek and got me a drink before he left. Just as I was about to get drowned in my thoughts a voice spoke from behind me. " Quite an entrance you did back there " I turned to the voice and smile. "Thank you" I managed to say before I could get lost in his cute stupid eyes. "Uh I don't think we've properly  met" he said extending his arm for a handshake. I put my hand in his and felt a shock which I chose to ignore. Before I could pull out he tighten his grip on my hand and I decided to take advantage of the situation " Dillan Kai Zelda 1st and only son of Noami and Olive Zelda.

Brother to Delma 2nd child in your family who is 2years away from graduation. Bestfriend to Jake and James Henson. Both twins of Mike and Mia Henson. You're a Mafia Don in training at 25 you'll take over the Ceasar familia. And make Jake and James your right hand men. You are the boyfriend  to Clara Leckford and judging by your first impression her parents want you as their son in law" I said calmly.  He looked perfectly shocked just what I was looking for. "Me knowing you means we've  properly met , there's   nothing more it " I smiled at him.

He just continued looking at me as if he had seen a ghost.. "I...I uh... I'm impressed" I wasn't opting to impress  him. I mentally  rolled my eyes at him but he must've noticed  my displeasure. "Sorry  its just that all girls like being told that" Seriously is this guy for real. "Well I'm not all girls. And I Definetly wasn't trying to be like.all the girls you've talked to. Now please if you excuse me.

The announce wants the fathers and daughters on stage" before I went to the stage I quickly did my breathing exercise. The feeling was coming back. "Aww is little winner not feeling like a winner no more?" Said an irritating voice from behind me. Before she could say anything I raised my hand and looked at her "Don't push it Clara  Leckford" I warned before I went to my dad.

We did some activities danced with our dad's now it was the father daughter bond  test. "What is your daughters favorite colour?" The judge asked Mr Leckford. He smiled a looked at her daughter "its pink" the judge nodded. "What is your dad's favourite colour?" Asked the judge facing me " it's not colour its colours and they are black and white" I said. The judge nodded. "What is your fathers favourite activity" Asked the judge looking at me. Trying to give me pressure I see. "My dad likes golfing whenever he can get away" I said. "How best can you describe you and your  father's  relationship?" She asked again. "Dad and I have the same.choices. mom usually calls us twins because there's  not much difference between us. We like the same thing , share the same logic , and our self esteem is high and we don't like anyone walking all over us." I turned and looked at dad. "Dad and I are like two seeds from the same pod. We're the best" he looked at me proud and nodded.

"Now fathers and daughters  an enjoy the rest of the dance while we wait for the results" she announced. Music blasted and every daughter and dad got on the dance floor. A circle  was created and every dad and daughter  got in and displayed some moves. "Okay , now it's time to let loose a bit just like what you wanted" I said to my dad. He looked at me excitedly  I extended my hand "just like old times ?" I said smiling. He took my hand "just like old times"

Dad and I got to the center and danced the dances he taught me when I was a kid. Some spinning around , slides and other dances. We totally rocked. Everyone cheered as we got out of the circle. Everyone was now dancing to Justin Bieber's song beauty and a beat. Dad and I danced a bit. He spun me around and did some moves. After the song ended I got dad and I refreshments.

"I haven't had so much fun in a long time" he said after taking a sip off his drink. "Ive had the best time with you today. Thanks dad" he kissed my forehead. "Anything for my princess". "Now I think I'm gonna have a son in law sooner than I expected" he said smiling at me evily. I looked at him confused then it hit me that he saw me talking to Dillan. I started laughing and he joined in. I shook my head

"No dad , Dillan and I just share a few classes thats all." I said. "And the handshake.?" Dad is a kin observer like Alex. "Oh I was practising what you taught me about intimidation" I said. I glint of mischief  flashed in his eyes. "That's my girl" he said as we did a high five.

"All fathers and daughters  may I have your attention please" said the judge. "It's time to.anmonce the father daughter dance winners  of this year" she said while holding an envelope.

"First of all we would like to thank you for reminding us the strongest bond in this universe is between a father and daughter. No matter how much the father has wrong or how much the daughter has messed up. These two will always love each other even after being miles apart." She said and people clapped. "Now in 3rd place we have...."Mr John  and Mackezie Miller" everyone cheered as they got to the stage the received their trophy  and flower bouquet 💐.  "In second place....they almost made it but we had to narrow to the slightest detail".

"In 2nd place we have Mr David and Clara Leckford." Everyone cheered  and a very happy Mr Leckford  and angry Clara walked to the stage and received their trophy  and flower bouquet.

"For our first place this pair has shown how a father and daughter can be close and friends but also how they can take care of one another and respect each other.

Their love , concern and respect has filled us with a lot love for the both of them. And for our winners welcome......" Why was she killing us with suspense like that. "I can't take it" I whispered to dad. He placed his hands on my shoulders  "You'll be okay No matter what". We looked forward to the judge. Just the the centre  light shown above us.

"Mr Patrick  and Zoya Rammos " everyone cheered louder. Dad hugged me and he led me to the stage. He got our gold trophy and our crowns. Everyone  was now congratulating us. Holding the trophy  and bouquet  was getting boring for both of us. So I took the trophy  from dad's hands and told him that was going to give them to one of our guards outside. He nodded and told me to be careful. What could possibly happen to me here?.

I got to one of our guards and gave the items to.him. "Congratulations  flower" a the guards , helpers and other stuff  at home call me that. "Thank you" I said smiling but before I could walk away a figure appeared from the dark. "Clara?" God she looked damaged from crying and ruffling her hair. "My population  grade just decreased because of you and your dad.

Do you know how being popular matters to me? What think is gonna happen to my social life after telling my followers that I was gonna win that trophy. What did you do to me?" Gosh she self absorbed  but let nice for once. "Clara I'm so sorry I didn't know what impact this would have on you" she huffed. "Bitch" Okay she hit a nerve. "You don't know anything. You don't know what it take to be popular" she said Folding her  arms across her breasts. "We don't care how we get  popular. What matters is how you're gonna use your popularity.

I date the most wanted boy in our school and I'm popular. I dance and I get popular. But do you wanna know how ill get popular this time.?" I didn't get a good feeling about this but curiosity kicked in. "How?" I asked  she smirked and walk over to me. He got her lips to my ear "I'm  gonna have to please your dad for a night or two" she said.

Okay that was the last straw. I put my left on her shoulder. Breathing in I side a right arm  and slapped her hard. "Zoya!" Boomed  a voice from behind us. "What did you do that for?" Said Alex. I looked at him then back at Clara who was lying on the ground out cold.

I don't know how much energy I used in that slap but she was out cold,  Alex was bewildered and dad was observing me greatly. "Zoya speak  up,  what's wrong" said Alex shaking me. I wanted to but I couldn't.

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