Chapter 46

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Zoya's POV

After I landed on the academy runway I got received by my personal  assistant  Elsa. She was older than me. She could even be my mom. Her daughter and I were the same age but I really haven't met her to say nice things about her.

"It's good to see you Annamore" said Elsa as she pulled me into a hug. "It's really nice to be back here. Only even if it's not for the ordinary reasons" I said and pulled out.

I took her hands in mine. "Tell me , how are you.?" I asked looking at her somehow stout figure. She had black short her and her ends were a bit  brown. Her Grey eyes really stood out and complimented her skin.

"I'm just as fine as you left me , young lady"  she said. "Come on you have to get dressed if you really want to.address the crowd." She said leading me into the house.

She left me to my self after I got into my room. I took a long hot shower and I actually  felt myself a bit calmer.

I took out my black crop top and camouflage trouser and black high boots.  After all I  was infact  in a Military Academy full of the most strongest and loyal people I know.

What am I doing here ?

You'll get to know soon.

After putting hair into a high ponytail. I walked out the room and found a thousand people waiting for me in the front grounds I took my stand in front of them.

"Okay Zoya you can do this." I whispered to myself.

"I'm your senior here. I'm Ms Annamore. No shortcuts to my name or anything funny. You all know what you signed up for the moment you got here. So for that you shall have intense training in the next 2 weeks. If you're willing to go through this training before we all partake a mission please take your stand in the second ground and those who feel that  they aren't ready for this stand remain  standing  in that ground."  I said.

There was alot of shuffling around everyone trying to get into a position. After about a 3mimutes everyone had positioned themselves in lines of 10.

I looked over to the first ground and saw 3students standing there.

"You shall be excused from the academy for the next 3weeks. This Academy will be under threat at all time. You shall return home and only to come back when we call you back"

I turned to the guards behind me.

"Three of you should make sure they reach their destination protect them with your life and make sure you've left them at their exact locations." I said and the guards led the 3 of them away from us.

"Now for you who have decided to remain with me. I'm forever in your debt. Now before I assign trainers and trainees. If you have questions ask now  or forever keep your mouth shut." I said and a girl who looked like the younger version of Elsa step forward. She had this careless attitude. She handled herself like she owned the place. More like  bitch vibes.

I turned  my head to face Elsa but she was looking everywhere  but at me.

"Question , who the fuck are you. Second , why do speak to us like we're  are your minors. Third,  I think it's best for you to walk away because a princess like you doesn't deserve to be here. You won't survive a day here" she said.

"May I know your name?" I asked her.

"Ess" she said and folded her  across her chest. "Your full name" I said.

"I don't tell anyone my full name you call me Ess or don't call my name at all." She said.

"Essence Margrate Kawakami. Born on the 12 of October. Which means your birthday was last week Wednesday. Happy belated. After all you're 23. You're older but your mind set is of a three year old. Use that attitude on me one more time and I'll take  you straight to the doors  of death and back" I said everyone shifted.

Wrong impression I didn't intend on scaring anyone just yet.

But Essence is you hard work.

Turning back to the crowd I nodded slightly. "Well then let's begin"

Alex's POV

I left Allan handling Zoyas case. She  wasn't in the Academy at all.  It turns out that she did go to the academy only to get a few papers which were not too sure of right now and she left after personally deactivating the tracker on the plane.

What the hell is wrong with her.

Then there's her soon to be husband being off grid after he hacked into our data base. I left Wolf to handle that and the twins as well.

I ran a hand in my hair and exhaled deeply.

"We're here , butter up buttercup" said Dante will playing drums on his thighs.

I just looked at him and once he felt my burning gaze he looked at me and shook his head.

I directed my eyes to him hands then back at him. He stopped being the drummer boy and huffed. "Geez how noone can have little fun here" he said.

After our convoy stop we stepped out of the the car after one of the guards had opened the car doors for me and Dante.

"Looks like Big R  was expecting you" said Dante after noticing the armed men around the building.

"You think" I said but one particular convoy caught my attention. "And Kai is here too" I muttered and Dante looked at the convoy.

"Let's get inside" he said and led the way. I walked into the house and found Liam and  Lino in there as well.

"What the fuck is going on" i said through gritted teeth.

"Sorry , you don't like surprises. I give them often I can't help it." Said Big R who was wearing a white suit and hat.

I must say the name does suit him. This guy's is a giant.

"Now , Kai is here we just have to wait for 3 more groups and we'll  talk this through" he said talking a seat on the round table.

"Please take a seat Dons. You wouldn't  want to strain your limbs." He said.

I just kept a  straight  face and looked at Dillan and he just looked at me with the same face I had offered.
"Now , now this is not what I called you here for. Take a seat gentleman"

Just as the two of us were about to sit voices came from behind us.

"Sorry the 3 groups are late" said an all too familiar voice.

"Dad" Liam , Dillan and I said.

"This is such a beautiful  scene. It's like a father son bonding time through me." Said Big R  as he clapped his hand.

"Now lets  get down to business " he said and took a seat again.

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