89. Iwaoi

484 19 10

Main pairing: Oikawa Tooru x Iwaizumi Hajime

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: Mentions of psychiatrist [idk if that can be triggering but yknow just in case]

Time: Their 3rd year

Notes: None


*In Oikawa and Iwaizumi's private messages*

Iwaizumi: Hey do you remember the time your sister asked us to babysit Takeru?

Oikawa: omg yeah

Oikawa: i had to beg her for hours

Iwaizumi: we were 10

Oikawa: and very scared we were gonna mess up

Iwaizumi: yeah 😭😭😭

Iwaizumi: i remember us just staring at him while he was sleeping

Iwaizumi: as if he could fly away when we weren't looking

Oikawa: and she was literally running ONE errand

Oikawa: it was 30 minutes max

Oikawa: we probably looked so creepy pls 😭

Iwaizumi: omg yeah

Iwaizumi: i miss those days

Oikawa: me too

Iwaizumi: anyways what r u up to?

Oikawa: nothing much

Oikawa: studying psychology

Oikawa: wbu?

Iwaizumi: listening to some music n reading

Iwaizumi: what are you studying about?

Oikawa: freud

Oikawa: i love how he connects everything to sexuality

Oikawa: like

Oikawa: id? sex.

Oikawa: a child loves the opposite sex parent? sex.

Iwaizumi: what.

Oikawa: yeah 😭

Oikawa: it's called the Oedipus complex

Iwaizumi: that man is mad

Oikawa: madly dedicated to sex, yeah.

Iwaizumi: ajhadksd

Oikawa: btw

Oikawa: i haven't told you have i

Iwaizumi: told me what

Oikawa: i'm going to a psychiatrist this weekend

Iwaizumi: oh that's great love!!

Iwaizumi: ik how long you've been wanting to go :)

Oikawa: yeah

Oikawa: but now i have a pickle

Iwaizumi: about?

Oikawa: how truthful i should be

Iwaizumi: how so?

Oikawa: like if i'm too honest with the psychiatrist 

Oikawa: i might get sent to a mental hospital

Oikawa: for being a danger to myself

Oikawa: but if i lie too much about being ok

Oikawa: i might get sent back home with no diagnosis

Oikawa: which is arguably worse

Iwaizumi: ah you're right

Iwaizumi: that is a pickle

Iwaizumi: i honestly dk what to tell you love

Iwaiuzmi: i'm sorry :(

Oikawa: it's ok, i'll figure smth out :)

Oikawa: thank you for the chat it was as lovely as ever

Iwaizumi: the pleasure is mine <3



Haikyuu Text MessagesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora