35. Bokuakakuroken

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Main pairing: Bokuto Koutaro x Akaashi Keiji x Kuroo Tetsuro x Kozume Kenma

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: Descriptions of a panic attack (briefly)

Time: Akaken's 2nd year / Bokuroo's 3rd year

Notes: None


*In Akaashi and Kuroo's private messages*

Kuroo: hey akaashi

Akaashi: hello, kuroo-san.

Kuroo: we're still meeting up today, right?

Akaashi: well, there hasn't been a change in any of our plans, afaik

Kuroo: ok

Kuroo: bo asked me to get along with you

Akaashi: no thx <3

Akaashi:  you're an ass /hj

Kuroo: i think you're a dick (hj) so that matches up.

Akaashi: you think I'm a dick?

Akaashi: i'll show you dick.

Kuroo: that's gay, akaashi

Akaashi: i...not like that.

Kuroo: sure.

Akaashi: well, maybe..

Kuroo: :O

Akaashi: just.. y'know how they say you only fall in love with 3 people in your lifetime?

Kuroo: yes?

Akaashi: i think i fell in love with 3 people at the same time..

Kuroo: oh...

Kuroo: and how do you feel about that?

Akaashi: they're all amazing people and I like spending time with each of them..

Kuroo: who are they?

Akaashi: umm...

Kuroo: it's ok if you're not comfortable with that, but what are they like?

Kuroo: person a, b and c..

Akaashi: ok, umm... person a is the first one of them I got to know

Akaashi: they have a... bright personality, to say the least..

Akaashi: they're the most optimistic person i've met and they always smile and they're hyperactive. and i really think they might have adhd

Kuroo: they sound like someone I know 😏 (I SAW HOW YOU LOOK AT HIM DURING OUR MATCHES U GAY PIECE OF SHIT)

Akaashi: um... yeah. (shut up)

Kuroo: that's great, akaashi!! (come here and shut me up then)

Akaashi: (well if you're offering~)

Kuroo: what about the other two?

Akaashi: well, person b's existence is just calming

Kuroo: how so?

Akaashi: being in their presence always makes me happy after a long day.. the thought of anything bad happening to them upsets me. they're an introvert but definitely not shy. their eyes shine when they talk about stuff they like

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