81. Kunikage

444 12 11

Main pairing: (One-sided) Kageyama Tobio x Kunimi Akira

Other pairing(s): Iwaoi (Iwaizumi x Oikawa)

Warnings: Very very slight implication of suicide (nobody dies dw) / It will hurt less this time 

Time: In middle school (3rd year)

Notes: This is a part 2 of 29, requested by @kenmaaaasssnentendo


*In Iwaizumi and Oikawa's private messages*

Iwaizumi: kawa

Iwaizumi: shit

Iwaizumi: kawa i need to talk to you rn

Oikawa: what happened?

Oikawa: babe are you ok?

Iwaizumi: no

Iwaizumi: do you remember how i told tobio to confess to kunimi

Oikawa: yeah?

Oikawa: did he do it?

Iwaizumi: yeah

Iwaizumi: and fuck

Iwaizumi: in tobio's own words, "he said he hated me. he hates the way i act towards him and the team. he said that even kindaichi had enough of me."

Oikawa: oh fuck that's messed up

Iwaizumi: i know

Iwaizumi: he told me that he's sick of himself

Iwaizumi: that he just wants to be loved by someone

Iwaizumi: "is that too much to ask?" he asked me

Iwaizumi: and i felt like a simple "yes" would have been enough to make him believe it

Oikawa: fuck

Oikawa: did he say anything else?

Iwaizumi: that he doesn't deserve someone like him. that he deserves nothing.

Oikawa: i feel so sorry for him

Oikawa: i mean

Oikawa: he loved his grandfather very dearly

Oikawa: so when he died, he must've clung to whoever he had left

Oikawa: his sister and his friends

Oikawa: and if kunimi really said that to him

Iwaizumi: it must have crumbled his whole world

Oikawa: i don't think i would want to live after that

Iwaizumi: fuck do you think

Oikawa: what's the last thing he said?

Iwaizumi: that he needed some time alone

Oikawa: i should contact miwa-san

Iwaizumi: our old babysitter?

Oikawa: she's tobio's older sister, you idiot

Iwaizumi: oh yeah right

Iwaizumi: ok you go do that, i'll talk to kunimi 

*In Miwa and Oikawa's private messages*

Oikawa: miwa-san

Oikawa: is tobio ok?

Miwa: not really

Miwa: no

Miwa: he's been sobbing non-stop for the last 2 hours

Miwa: what happened?

Miwa: he said something about kunimi, but i didn't get the rest of it

Oikawa: apparently kunimi said that he hated him, that the whole team was sick of him

Oikawa: right after tobio confessed to him

Miwa: that's fucked up

Oikawa: i know

Oikawa: tobio texted iwa afterwards

Oikawa: and iwa thought that tobio was going to  

Oikawa: yknow

Miwa: fuck

Miwa: he doesn't deserve that, tooru

Oikawa: i know, iwa's talking to kunimi rn

Oikawa: we're so sorry, miwa

Oikawa: we didn't expect this to happen

Oikawa: we were the ones that told tobio to confess to kunimi

Miwa: you couldn't have known, it's not your fault

*In Iwaizumi and Kunimi's private messages*

Iwaizumi: kunimi akira

Iwaizumi: why the actual fuck would you say that to him?!

Kunimi: i'm sorry

Kunimi: i didn't know he was going to confess to me

Iwaizumi: you shouldn't have said that to him either way! 

Kunimi: we both had smth to say so we sent the texts at the same time

Kunimi: i wouldn't have said it if i knew

Kunimi: i swear

Iwaizumi: you know how hard it was for him after he lost his grandfather

Iwaizumi: fuck

Iwaizumi: do you realise how fucked up that is?

Iwaizumi: what you said, i mean?

Kunimi: i'm sorry

Kunimi: fuck 

Kunimi: i didn't know

Iwaizumi: you should

Iwaizumi: i don't even know what the fuck to say because the situation is too fucked up

Kunimi: i'll apologise

Iwaizumi: yeah cause that'll fix everything

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