58. Iwaoi

723 29 7

Main pairing: Oikawa Tooru x Iwaizumi Hajime

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: None

Time: Their 3rd year

Notes: Trans masc. Iwaizumi (he/him)


*In Oikawa and Iwaizumi's private messages*

Iwaizumi: I'm crying

Oikawa: babe what

Oikawa: tone indicator?!?!?!

Iwaizumi: /srs


Iwaizumi: I'm on my period and I'm feeling dysphoric and I wanted to listen to some music so I shuffled my comfort playlist and Frank Sinetra's "We'll meet again" started playing and I thought about it and I thought about our graduation and I started sobbing  

Oikawa: aw baby

Iwaizumi: pls don't leave me after graduation

Oikawa: ofc i won't 

Iwaizumi: but what if you get a good opportunity out the country and you have to take it and i'm here alone and i don't see you for a year or two and you forget about me and get a new bf

Oikawa: i would never forget you. ever.

Oikawa: even if i do get into a good team overseas, we'll make it work

Oikawa: cause when have we not

Iwaizumi: but when u go somewhere else you'll see that you deserve sm better than me and you'll leave me

Oikawa: hajime

Oikawa: there is nobody better than you. 

Oikawa: you're my lifeline. 

Oikawa: my other half. 

Oikawa: my everything.

Oikawa: forgetting you would be like forgetting to breathe.

Oikawa: if i do end up going to another country, we'll meet again... don't know where, don't know when...

Oikawa: but i know we'll meet again some sunny day...

Oikawa: so just keep smiling, like you always do..

Iwaizumi: i don't think i'll be able to do it without you tooru

Oikawa: you won't have to, i'm always by your side.

Iwaizumi: can u come over pls

Oikawa: omw

Oikawa: just hang in there baby

Oikawa: i'll be there in a minute to hold you

Oikawa: and never let you go

Oikawa: <3

Iwaizumi: <3

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