12. Kinonari

930 25 3

Main pairing: Kinoshita Hisashi x Narita Kazuhito

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: None

Time: Their 3rd year

Notes: Trans masc. Narita (he/him) / Trans masc. Kinoshita (he/him)


T4T Kinonari has my heart


Also this part was requested by @Dnfshipper2009 so.. enjoy :)


*In Narita and Kinoshita's private messages*

Kinoshita: bae my guts are like falling out

Narita: hisa wtf

Kinoshita: i said what i said

Narita: i rlly didn't need to know that

Kinoshita: but u did

Kinoshita: anyways can u bring me a pad lmao

Kinoshita: forgot to take one 💪😩

Narita: sure gimme a sec

Kinoshita: HANS BABE LOVE U 😍

Narita: Hans?

Narita: who tf is hans?????? /hs


Narita: you know it means half serious you fuckwad

Kinoshita: i mwant thanks dimwit

Kinoshita: it's gucking freexing in here

Kinoshita: and my hsnds are cold

Kinoshita: and i dpn't feel my lwgs anymore

Narita: how long have u been sitting on there?

Kinoshita: 25-30 mins?

Narita: ur gonna get sick babe

Kinoshita: :/

Kinoshita: then bring me the damn pad so i can get out

Narita: damn ok

Narita: i'm coming.

Kinoshita: 👀

Narita: stfu

Kinoshita: haven't said anything

Narita: :/

-Narita has gone offline-

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