5. Platonic Kuroaka

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Main pairing: Kuroo Tetsuro & Akaashi Keiji

Other pairing(s): (One-sided) Bokuaka (Bokuto x Akaashi)

Warnings: SH / Suicidal thoughts / Angst

Time: Akaashi's 2nd year / Kuroo's 3rd year

Notes: This is actually me venting lmao (I'm an Akaashi kinnie, is it obvious?)


*In Kuroo and Akaashi's private messages*

Akaashi: hey kuroo-san

Akaashi: can we talk for a bit?

Kuroo: sure kaashi, what's up?

Akaashi: so... y'know that i have a crush on bokuto-san, right?

Kuroo: yes?

Akaashi: well we were hanging out today

Akaashi: and he was going to show sth in our chat

Akaashi: and i happened to glance at it

Akaashi: to see that he hasn't saved me in his contacts

Kuroo: what?

Kuroo: i'm sure you're mistaken

Kuroo: you two are rlly close

Akaashi: i saw my picture

Akaashi: and i know what we had written in the chat..

Akaashi: so i know that it was ours.

Kuroo: maybe his phone changed?

Akaashi: we both know it's not some technical issue

Kuroo: i'm really sorry, akaashi..

Akaashi: i just

Akaashi: i don't understand

Akaashi: ik that he doesn't fucking like me back but i thought we were friends, y'know?

Akaashi: was i wrong to assume so?

Akaashi: am i not worth his friendship?

Akaashi: i tried to help him through his tough times

Akaashi: i tried to be there for him when he needed someone

Akaashi: i didn't expect anything in return but..

Akaashi: i thought that he at least saw me as his friend..

Akaashi: guess not lmao

Kuroo: ik u don't like talking about stuff like this but i'm sure you'll feel better if you vent a bit

Akaashi: are you ok with that?

Kuroo: ofc :)

Akaashi: kuroo-san, am i just some piece of paper?

Akaashi: am i just some THING to write their troubles on and then just throw away?

Akaashi: every time i try to do smth nice for him, he acts like i'm SUPPOSED to do so, as if that's my fucking job.

Akaashi: i don't know how to express my emotions bcs i lock them up

Kuroo: why is that?

Akaashi: it's my brain trying to protect me from emotional damage

Akaashi: tbh every friend i've had up until this day has used me

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