37. Tsukkikageyamahina

840 24 2

Main pairing: Tsukishima Kei x Kageyama Tobio x Yamaguchi Tadashi x Hinata Shoyo

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: None

Time: Their 3rd year

Notes: None


*In Tsukishima and Kageyama's private messages*

Tsukishima: My name is Carmen Winstead. I am 15 years old and very similar to you.. did I mention that I'm dead?? A few years ago some girls pushed me down a sewer hole to embarrass me, but I never came back up. The police never found my body. I had a broken leg and my limbs were detached from my body. Send this 20 friends after reading if you value your life!! A boy called David read this message, he laughed and deleted it. The next day him and all of his loved were found dead, with their necks broken and limbs detached. Choose what you do with this information next wisely!

Kageyama: kishi pks

Tsukishima: This isn't Tsukishima, this is Carmen Winstead. Hurry up and forward this or ur friends will die

Kageyama: no pleasw

Kageyama: youfe scarimg me

Kageyama: kisji i dont habe tgat many friwnds pleasr

Kageyama: kiahi come bavk pls

-5 minutes later-

Kageyama: Tsukki this is Yamaguchi, pls stop scaring our bf

Kageyama: this is the 3rd time this week :/ 

Kageyama: i just went over to his house

Tsukishima: WITHOUT ME?!?!?

Kageyama: fuck off i know about ur secret date w/ sho

Tsukishima: damn :/

Kageyama: AND WHAT DO I FIND?!?!

Kageyama: tobio is sobbing on the floor in his bedroom about some girl who is going to kill everyone


Kageyama: stfu the poor boy is terrified.

Kageyama: had to calm him down for 5 fucking minutes

Tsukishima: i'm sorry tobssss

Tsukishima: but your reactions are always so funny

Kageyama: he said "tell him to go fuck himself, and to make it up to me tomorrow"

Tsukishima: tell him that i will do both ;)

Kageyama: KEI NO

Tsukishima: lol /j

Tsukishima: (unless?)

Kageyama: no.

Tsukishima: ok :/

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