Chapter 24: Choose a class rep and Jirou want's help?.

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{ blah blah }= me explaining some stuff

( blah blah)=thoughts

"blah blah" = speech


[ oi kit. ] is our favorite Kyuubi.


OMG, MY FIC IS NO.1 IN izukuxharem TAG. I AM SOO EXCITED FOR IT TOO. THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT ON THE FIC! any requests for me to do something?

3rd person POV.

It's the 3rd day for the first years of U.A, Izuku and Momo were on their way to the school. They just arrived in front of the gate and saw a huge mob of media just questioning students left and right as Momo was confused but Izuku said " Just tell we are in business course and we don't know anything.". Momo nodded as Izuku continued driving just when he reached the gate, the media mobbed the car as they tapped on the window. Izuku a bit peeved rolled down the windows as a reporters shoved their mics to his face as he heard questions " Are you from the hero course?" " Is it true All Might is teaching in U.A?" " How is it having All Might as a teacher.".

Izuku then said " I am sorry but we don't know since we are from business course.". The media instantly dispersed leaving a irritated but relieved Izuku and a baffled Momo as Izuku drove to the parking lot.

Time skip- 

 Izuku is seen listening intently to Present Mic during the English period and writing down important points. The bell rang as Present Mic said " All right folks, that is it for today's class. Review your lesson today at home alright?". A chorus of """Yes sensei.""" was heard as Present Mic left the classroom.

Izuku looked at the timetable and saw it was Aizawa's class now, right on cue. Aizawa came in as everyone instantly became silent as Aizawa-sensei was not in his sleeping bag. He then came up to the podium and said " Alright class, today we will choose your class-rep and your vice-rep. I don't care how, I want it done by the end of this period and don't make too much noise." Everyone gave a nod in understanding.

Sensei got in his sleeping bag as Momo stood up and said " Why don't we all vote for who we seen so far will be suitable for the class-rep position. But no voting for yourselves.". Everyone agreed as Momo tore papers into square pieces and distributed it to everyone and said " Now, everyone. Cast your vote and fold it so that it won't be revealed to anyone else.".

Everyone nodded to the instructions as they began thinking and scratching their heads wondering who to vote while Izuku already voted since after seeing Momo take charge, he had no hesitation in voting for her. A few minutes later. Momo made a small bowl as she collected everyone's votes and then gave them to the now awake Aizawa who grunted a bit before getting up to tally the votes.

A minute later, Aizawa announced " With 12 votes, the class-rep will be Momo Yaoyorozu and with 8 votes, the vice-rep will be Izuku Midoriya.". Izuku raised a eyebrow while Kurama commented (Interesting, seems like you managed to catch the attention of quite a few classmates.) Izuku gave a mental nod as he got up along with Momo who was trying hard to keep a poker face while the edges of her mouth were curled up.

Both got to the podium beside Aizawa as Momo bowed a bit and said " Thank for choosing me as the class rep! I will be sure not to let anyone down and will carry out my duties with my utmost ability.". Izuku also bowed a bit and said " I am honestly shocked I got voted but I will make sure to help you guys and the class-rep to the best of my abilities.". 

Everyone clapped a bit as comments were heard " I can get behind Yaoyorozu and Midoriya.". "Yaoyorozu is clearly good at leading from what we saw so I am cool with this." " Midoriya is strong and level-headed too so he is the best vice-rep for us.".

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