Chapter 7: Moving and home study with momo begins.

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{ blah blah }= me explaining some stuff

( blah blah)=thoughts

"blah blah" = speech


[ oi gaki ] is our favorite Kyuubi.



Izuku woke up at 7 AM, normal time for him and went towards the kitchen and saw his mom was humming while preparing breakfast. Izuku slowly came behind her and gave her hug as he said " Good morning mom!". Inko smiled as she put aside the flat spoon and knelt down as to give Izuku a return hug and she said " Good morning Izuku, how was your sleep?".

Izuku answered "it was good mom, sensei is starting to teach me strokes of Japanese calligraphy!.", Inko was suddenly a bit worried as she asked " ohh. Are you okay sweetie? do you still feel sleepy?", Izuku shook his head as he answered " No mom, I feel the same as I always do when I wake up.".

Inko let out a breath of relief that Izuku is still getting his healthy sleep despite him learning in his mind. Izuku then said " also mama, sensei taught me how to make ink, so you don't have to buy all the costly ink bottles!". Inko seemingly interested asked " Oh? and tell me how?".

Izuku nodded as he explained about the ink stick and ink stone and that one ink stick can provide almost as much as 2 bottles of ink and that a ink stick is only 1$. Inko was shocked but happy that Izuku's quirk was able to teach such useful knowledge as she said " well Izuku, I will buy only ink sticks from now on then, also some empty ink bottles to store the ink!". 

*ding ding**ding ding*, the sound of the doorbell was heard as Inko exclaimed " ah! that must be the delivery man with your calligraphy set Izuku, wait a minute, I will get them.". Izuku nodded as Inko went down to receive the delivery.

After a few minutes, Inko came back up as she gave the set to Izuku and asked him to show what he had learned in his lesson with his teacher. Izuku nodded as he opened the set, opened a ink bottle and kept it near the paper he will use to demonstrate, Izuku then got the ink brush out and let out a small breath and closed his eyes as he asked in his mind ( Mr. Kurama, can you show me the basic strokes one time on that paper, so I can practice?).

Izuku in response received the image of the same paper that Kurama showed last night. Izuku memorizing the first 10 strokes, opened his eyes and dipped the brush tip in ink, rubbed it on edge of bottle to get rid of the extra ink and started doing the strokes, Izuku then again closed his eyes to memorize the next 10 strokes and repeated the same till he wrote all 44 on 2 papers and then showed them to his mother.

Inko was really impressed, Calligraphy was a minor subject in middle schools, they only teach and make the students memorize the forty four strokes. If Izuku is being taught this at such an early stage, then maybe this is related to his quirk training.  Izuku after noting the strokes starting practicing them repeatedly. 

A week later.

Izuku just woke up and cheered as he passed the exam from Mr. Kurama regarding the 44 basic strokes. Today is also the day the Midoriya family will move to their new villa in Yaoyorozu's property. Inko spent the whole week packing for this day and helping Izuku in minor mistakes on the strokes, being an ex-member of the calligraphy club in high schools, Inko would like to say she is pretty good at it.

The door bell rang as Inko went to receive it. Inko was greeted by the Yaoyorozu family as she opened the door, she cheerfully invited them inside. Momo went to look for Izuku and found him eating breakfast. Momo went up to his set as she greeted " G-good morning I-Izuku-san!". Izuku gave a small un-noticeable smile in return as he answered " Good M-morning Momo-san. Did you have your breakfast yet ?".

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