"How? Last I checked, we're not super experienced with getting stuck in time travel. We always had Cas or something." Sam says.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. We'll figure it out." Larissa assures.

Sam's phone rings and he rushes over to it.

"Dean?" He asks.

"No. Why? Where's Dean?" Jody asks.

"The thing that's been mummifying people took him in a fucking ball of light and disappeared." Sam says.

"You guys get that a lot?" Jody asks.

"Yeah, more than most people."

"Well, I got you into this, so--"

"no, no, no, you didn't. All you did was just--"

"Shut up, Sam. How can I help?"

"Well, um... how do you feel about driving and lifting boxes?"


Sam opens the door for Jody who is carrying the boxes.

"Hey, let me, uh, let me help you with those." Sam offers.

"No, I got these. You go get the other 20 in my truck." Jody says.

"Seriously?" Sam asks.

"Yeah. I think Bobby may have had a slight hoarding issue. I could barely get the door open on that storage locker. And, um, I'm pretty sure something's alive in at least three of those boxes." Jody says.

"Cool. Um, you get the alive ones, I get the rest." Larissa tells Sam.

"Wait, no, no. I got it. Your shoulder's still sore." Sam says.

"No, it isn't." Larissa argues.

"You winced while setting up your bed. And again reaching up to ruffle my hair earlier." Sam points out.

"Fine." Larissa rolls her eyes. Sam wants to kiss her, but still isn't huge on doing it in front of people, so he just gently pats her cheek before walking out.

"Your shoulder?" Jody asks.

"Oh, right. Um... when, uh, when Bobby... he..." Larissa struggles to say it.

"Uh-huh." Jody prompts.

"Um... I kind of got shot, too. Shoulder and leg. I'm okay now... aside from being sore. I was clinically dead for seven minutes, though." Larissa explains.

"What?!" Jody exclaims.

"Probably didn't need to tell you that." Larissa says, awkwardly smiling.

"You died?" Jody asks as Sam walks inside with a few boxes.

"Only for seven minutes." Larissa tries to make it not sound as bad as it is.

"Uh... right. I-I wasn't aware you didn't know about that." Sam mumbles. Jody looks between the two with a gobsmacked expression.

"But I can finally fit under the, um... date Sam and you die category... as Dean so delicately put that." Larissa comments.

"Oh, my God." Jody whispers, rubbing her temples.

"Maybe I should go help with the boxes." Larissa quietly tells Sam.

"We'll see if there's any light ones." Sam puts his hand on her back, leading outside.


"Got it." Jody shows an old photo of fedora guy on the laptop.

"Is that a-- is that a ring on his finger?" Sam asks. Jody zooms in.

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