Chap. 1 : Run far far away.

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(Y/n) = your name.
(F/f) = favorite flavor

You woke up still in the cardboard box you were in. ' sigh. I'm so hungry... That's it! I'll try to steal some food! ' you got up and ran to the bakery shop. " Hello young lady! " the owner of the shop said " Would you like something? " you nodded and headed over to the cupcakes. You looked around until you saw the (f/f) (favorite flavor) cupcakes. Your mouth watered as you stared. " Would you like one? " you nodded quickly and smiled. " that's $3 " the tall man said. You stopped. 'I don't have money! Dang it! ' the man waited until another person dinged the bell. ' here's my chance! Go for it (y/n)!!! '
You slithered like a serpent into the back and took 5 cupcakes and ran. "HEY!!! YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR THOSE!!! " the owner said. You smiled to your self ' HELL YEA (Y/N)!! YA DID IT! '
You hid back in your cardboard box, holding your goodies. " Where did she go? " you giggled at the man as he tried to find you. You started to eat the cupcakes but you felt the box get lifted up. " Hold on Boss! Im gettin the box damn! " a man said ' Oh no... ' you thought. You heard tape and it getting put on the box ( you had holes in the box so you could breathe while you sleep. ) and it get put down on a metal floor. After a few minutes, you heard a car start and drive away.
' Shit! Shit! SHIT! Okay (y/n) calm down! '  then the car stopped and you felt like you were moving.

Sweet Soul (Team Fortress x Child Reader)Where stories live. Discover now