"Probably both. Dean, I-I got to ask you a question." Sam says.

"Unless, of course, something happened to him. He can't get to the phone because a leviathan ate his face." Dean says.

"Yeah, also a possibility." Sam says.

"We should go check on him." Dean says.

"Dean, do you want to call Bobby's people or not?"

"W-why is-- why is that our job?" Dean asks.

"Maybe cause we're the only ones that fucking know." Larissa says.

"Because who else is gonna do it?" Sam asks.

"I'm not calling anybody. If you want to, you go right ahead." Dean says.

"I don't want to call anybody. You kidding me?" Sam asks.

A phone from one of the bags rings.

"Well, I'm not getting it." Dean says.

Sam finds the phone and answers it.

"Hello?" He asks. "Uh, o. He's, uh... i-i-it's not, but I'm a friend of his." Sam says. "He's... not here, but, look, if you need s--"

"Who was it?" Dean asks.

"Just some kid." Sam says.

"For Bobby? Girl Scout cookies?" Dean asks.

"I think maybe... maybe a-a hunter's kid? I mean, she sounded pretty scared. You know, I have caller ID. Maybe we should go find her. We-We can go check on her." Sam says.

"What about Frank?" Dean asks.

"Well, Dean, I think we should go find this girl first." Sam says.

"Sam, Frank's been working on the numbers that Bobby spent his last breath on, and you want to back burner that?"

"Fine. You go check out Girl Scout. I'll find Frank."

"Fine. But you know what? On one condition, if Frank is just spinning his wheels, then you bail out on crazy and come meet me."

"And thanks for drinking my entire beer." Dean says.

"I didn't touch your beer. Mine's right there." Sam points to the kitchen table. Dean looks at Larissa's.

"Don't look at me." She says.

"You probably drank it without noticing." Sam says.

"Right." Dean mumbles.

"I can go with you." Larissa offers to Sam, getting off the couch.

"Uh... maybe not yet." Sam says.

"Sammy--" She whines.

"Look, y-you're still healing. You can barely walk still, let alone run. You know, if we were to need to." Sam says.

"Which we may not have to." Larissa says.

"But knowing our lives, we probably will." Sam counters. "It's just... it's better if you stay here. Keep healing, you know."

"Fine." Larissa sighs. "I'll call Bobby's people."

"You don't have to. Especially alone." Sam says.

"It's fine." Larissa dismisses. "I'm fine."

"Lie of the decade." Sam mumbles.

"You tell it all the time." Larissa says.

"Okay, just-just don't do too much. Don't overexert yourself, just lay down, rest, drink water." Sam says

"You are so much worse than any mother on this planet." Larissa says.

"I love you." Sam kisses her.

"Love you, too." She says and Sam goes for the door.

"Don't kill each other." Sam orders his girlfriend and brother.

Larissa sighs as she looks around the cabin, trying to mentally prepare herself for calling Bobby's contacts. She shivers, rubbing her arms.

Larissa goes to the bed and gets her jacket, slipping it on.

"Did it just get cold to you?" Larissa asks Dean.

"I don't know." Dean shrugs, looking at the board. She's not even sure he really heard her making her huff.

"Whatever." Larissa grumbles, sitting back on the couch.


Krissy just stabbed Sally and Marlene charges at Dean. Before she can reach him, three gunshots go off, Marlene falling to the ground. They all look over to see Larissa lowering her gun.

Dean takes Marlene's moment of weakness and grabs his knife, stabbing her and twisting the knife. Marlene's body turns black as she dies.

"Bad actress, huh?" Krissy asks.

"Yeah. I take it back." Dean says.

"Lissy?" Sam calls.

"You didn't answer your phone." Larissa says. She winces as she limps over to Sam. She takes a knife out, opening it, and cutting his restraints.

"Here, sit down." Sam quickly helps her into the chair. "You okay?"

"That couch actually sounds really nice." Larissa lets out a weak chuckle. "I got worried. You stopped being all mother hen on me... and then you didn't answer, I was scared something was wrong. Turns out it was."

"How'd you find me?" Sam asks.

"Dumbasses didn't take your phone. I tracked you." Larissa says. "Are you okay? What were they?" She asks.

"I'm okay. Yeah, I'm good." Sam assures. "I'll fill you in on everything later.


Larissa and Sam are sitting at the car outside of the hospital, Larissa not wanting to go in so Sam stayed with her. He told her about the vetalas and explained what all went down the past couple of days.

"Did you call Bobby's people?" Sam asks.

"Yep. Every last one." Larissa nods.

Sam sadly smiles, putting his hand on the side of her neck, his thumb rubbing her cheek.

"You okay?" Sam asks.

"Yeah. Shockingly, kind of. After the first ten or so people, you kinda just... go numb when saying it. Not the strongest urge to cry after that." Larissa says.

Sam kisses her on the forehead, bringing her in for a hug.

"I'm sorry you did it alone." Sam mumbles.

"It's fine. Some alone time was actually nice... no offense." Larissa says.

"I just get worried." Sam says.

"I'm aware." Larissa chuckles. "Honestly, I feel like if you could go to the bathroom and shower for me, you would."

"I definitely would." Sam nods. Larissa lets out a small laugh and lightly rolls her eyes as Sam smiles.

"You're still a dork." Larissa comments.

"And you still love me." Sam grins. He leans down, gently kissing her on the lips.

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