Ch.28 Epilogue

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It was the weirdest to sit in the Hogwarts train.

Or well it had never been weird before, but this time it was once in a lifetime experience.

Only five days earlier, Kristina Bernadotte had tried to murder him and four days ago he and Wilhelm had woken up in Saint Birgitta Hospital. And now they were here, in the Hogwarts train, going back to school like after any other Christmas Holiday.

People around them spoke about the skiing trips, Christmas presents, friends and family. Well they had experienced that too, but not many people on the Earth could say, that they had been tried to kill by their boyfriend's mother. Oh and did he forgot, that the same lady tried to also kill Simon's mother, evaporate Wilhelm's memory and kept her older son prisoned in the basement? What a typical holiday...

It was already public knowledge, what had happened. The newspapers all over Europe had written about it because it was not every day when something like that happens. Especially in a family like Bernadotte. Thankfully not all the details were put on the public, but enough so that he and Wilhelm had received a long looks on the platform. Thankfully they were now sitting in their own compartment with their friends. Their friends were smart enough not to ask about anything and he and Wilhelm had already filled them with the most important parts.

Everyone was mostly sitting in silence, too uncomfortable to speak much, but Simon respected that. He did not want to repeat the scene in his head again and again. There will be a court hearing in the future, but he deeply hoped, that maybe he could at least have a month or two normal teenager's school life, before the mental scars would be ripped open again. He was in fairly good mental stableness, mostly because he did not see the most horrifying parts of the fight. It was much harder for Wilhelm. They had both received the contact information for the Mental Healer when they left the hospital three days ago and he was going to make sure that in next weeks Wille would contact her. The boy's parents were horrible persons, but despite that Wille had lost his parents. Thank Merlin there was still Erik, but... Simon could play a scene in his mind, where someone in the future might ask where Wilhelm's parents are and all the boy could answer was: 'In Azkaban, because they tried to murder my husband'. Not the most joyful conversation if asked from Simon.

He was deep in his thoughts, looking out of the train window, when a warm wave rushed over him and next Wille's voice spoke in his head.

"What's in your mind?"

Simon turned to look the taller boy sitting next to him and joined their hands.

"Everything, but I just wait to have a normal school days. Maybe it eases out the mess in my head", he replied honestly. A sad smile played on his lips, but Wille just lifted his hand to caress Simon's cheek.

"Me too...", he said and smiled slightly also.

"I like that we can have a conversation through our magic. Makes things easier when trying to avoid eavesdropping", Simon joked, trying to lighten the atmosphere.

"Yeah! We have to practise this more. Maybe in future we don't need either the physical contact or utter stress and panic to use it. The lessons would be much nicer...", Wille said back and giggled.

"Wille, we are both going to fail school if we do that", Simon argued back, but laughed himself also.

They ended the conversation for a moment, just so they could focus on looking each other and enjoy the closeness. It was so crazy, that they had been officially together less than a month and it still felt like the boy in front on him was his absolutely everything. They had been ready to die for each other after three weeks of dating! Yes maybe the joined magic has something to do with it and the fact that they had been pining two and a half months, but still. When he looked Wilhelm, the boy was the sun on his sky, oxygen in his lungs and blood in his veins. Wille was his force and energy as well as quiet and calm. There wasn't a better feeling than just laying on Wilhelm's chest and close his eyes knowing that it was them against the world.

"I love you Wilhelm, so much that I don't even have words", Simon couldn't help himself from whispering through the connection.

The words made Wille smile so wide and beautiful smile that Simon almost teared up. Finally they were allowed the feel the happiness that a relationship was supposed to be. They were allowed to start to discover their own future and their relationship. Despite feeling so much, they were still on the first steps.

"Love you too Simon. More than anything", Wille said back, but suddenly a cheeky smile appeared on the boy's face, making Simon to furrow his eyebrows.

"You know I'm gonna ask you to marry me one day, right?", he continued, making Simon groan also through the bond and out loud.

"Wille you cannot say something like that and assume me holding it together!", he replied.

What he did not realize that the connection had faded away and he said the words so that Rosh, Ayub, Felice and Sara could also hear.

"Can you please stop sexting through your connection? It's disgusting to watch", Rosh shoot immediately, but there was a smile on the girl's face and lovely cheekiness in her voice.

Wilhelm immediately blushed deep red, but Simon just turned his focus on the girl.

"Rosh, find yourself a partner so you don't have to focus on our relationship", he ragged back, making the girl laugh.

"But it is not as entertaining as see Wille to embarrass all the time! What were you speaking about? How Wille would like to tie you up on the headboard and ravish you into oblivion?", she laughed loudly.

Next to Simon Wille was turning redded and redder, hiding his face on his hands and groaning through the embarrassment. But Simon was not taking it, Rosh was not allowed to tease Wille. It was his privilege.

"Well Rosh, we were not sexting, but Wille was telling me that he is going to propose and marry me one day. So there you go, try to find yourself a partner, who would ever marry your sorry ass", he spite back, making the whole compartment to explode in enormous laughing.

"Simon!", Wille shrieked due to Simon's bluntness, but he laughed too.

Simon just felt huge internal proudness of himself. He watched his friends to laugh and boyfriend to embarrass, but it was the absolutely best. Finally like a normal teenage life.

But something in him still banged, that it would not be just the sunshine and rainbows ever after... 

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