Ch. 9 Resolution

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Simon had been right. It really started to snow. It was Friday morning, when the whole school woke up with snowy grounds. Almost all the students were outside, because it was surprisingly early to snow this year. It was only mid-November. Everybody was playing in the snow, but Simon could not enjoy the moment. He just sat on the front stairs of the castle and looked all the students having.

Wille had left four days ago. Every day it seemed more and more unlike that he would come back Hogwarts. Or at least in Simon's mind it felt like that. What if his family would select a different school to Wilhelm because all of this huzzle. It was not good for pureblood family or their reputation to have their son being the first not sorted student in a history.

Simon's thoughts were interrupted by Felice sitting next to him.

"Hey Simon", she greeted with warm smile.

"Hey Felice", he replied and tried to smile, but it probably it looked more like a grimace, because Felice chuckled a bit.

"Why are you not there with everybody?", she asked, like she did not know.

"Guess...", he mumbled back and turned his face away from Felice, back to the students on the grounds.

"It's Wilhelm, right?", she continued the conversation and Simon just hummed as a 'yes'.

"He will be back, don't worry so much", she tried to comfort him.

"It's been four days Felice. He said couple of days! Couple is like two, right?", he spit back a bit more sharply than he had meant. It was no Felice's fault that he was missing Wille...

"Simon, just take it easy. He would not leave without a trace. Maybe things are just a bit more difficult to solve. Be patient"

"Sorry Felice, I just... I just...", he startled with his words, but they did not seem to come out of his mouth.

"You miss him. And I'm completely sure that he misses you at least as much as you do. Wilhelm cares about you. Probably much more than you realize. Now, let's go to class", Felice ended their conversation and stood up.

Reluctantly Simon pulled himself up and started to walk behind Felice inside the castle. With one last look towards Hagrid's Hut and no-one still standing there. Simon just walked in...


It was Saturday dinner and Simon had lost his hope. There was still no trace of Wille and not even a letter from Otis. Simon had been so hopeless the morning, that he even went to the Owlery to check, if Otis was there, but no... It felt awful just to be there with no information and his chest had started to ache constantly. Like his heart tried to burst out of his chest all the time. He did not understand why the situation was so hard for him, because he had literally met Wille six weeks ago and now it felt like he could not stand to be away from the boy. Maybe it was just the uncertainty that made him react this way.

But he had also thought the Felice's words about Wille caring about him. He definitely cared Wille a lot more than he considered as a 'normal friendship'. Well fuck him, these four days made him realize, that he even might have some 'not purely friendly feelings' towards Wille. But first and foremost, Wille was his friend and super important to him.

Rosh had been teasing him relentlessly these days... Always pickering and giggling how 'Simon is missing his baby-boyfriend' and that just made Simon even more annoyed. He was seriously worried, and no one seemed to care.

Currently he was just staring at his food and pushing it around his plate. He had no appetite...

"Simon please cheer up! Wille will come back eventually. It's not going to help anyone, if you starve yourself and mourn like he is dead!", Ayub tried, but all the boy got back was angry glance from him.

The Boy Who Does Not Belong Here (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now