Ch.7 Gryffindor

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The time Wille spend in Gryffindor House felt like a dream come true. He just fitted in like a puzzle piece. He even fitted into Simon's, Rosh's and Ayub's friend group like a glove. They spent evenings smiling and laughing, playing way too many rounds of exploding snap and even studied a lot more that Simon usually did. He found out that Wille really was a smart like a Ravenclaw and it was so nice to study with someone, who also was really good at teaching you stuff. Rosh usually just said the right answers and did not explain them further and well... Auyb always just answered something and hoped it was the right one.

Also none of Simon's friend had never been interested in muggle life like Wille was. Rosh and Auyb were from half-blood families, so they knew this stuff but it was so fun to explain stuff to Wille, who was sometimes so dearly confused about the thing that were so obvious to Simon. Like one time they had two-hour long conversation about regular post and Wille was so fascinated and confused that Simon wanted just to pat his head like he was a toddler. He even tried to explain the mobile phones (which Wille was super interested in) one time, but it was just so complicated to Wille that they had decided to continue the conversation later.

Simon also learned that Wilhelm was a touchy person. He did not mind it, almost completely opposite, but it made him think that did the boy made same things with Sara and Felice when he had been staying on their Houses. Well yes, sometimes Rosh was sitting on the common room sofa, her legs thrown on Wilhelm's laps and Wille and Ayub kept on elbowing each other... But with Simon he was definitely the touchiest. Sometimes Wille pulled him to cuddle, and they liked to study so that Simon was laying his head on Wilhelm's lap.

One time, when Wille had been super focused on his book, the boy had even started to play with Simon's hair... At that moment Simon had a very long internal battle, that should he say about it, but it felt way too good to have Wilhelm's hands brushing his sculp, so he decided to keep quiet. But who could blame him! If extremely funny, kind, gentle and super handsome boy wanted to keep him on his lap and play with his hair, let them!

The days went by, and Simon completely forgot, that Wille actually was not part of his House. It just seemed that the boy belonged there.


It was the night between Saturday and Sunday, when Simon woke up in the middle of the night. It took him while to understand why, until a soft voice spoke.

"Simon, are you awake?"

Simon pushed himself to sit and pulled the curtains off. Wilhelm was standing there, next to his bed. Simon had to wipe his eyes couple of times to understand his surroundings, but even after that Wille was still there.

"Wille, why are you awake? What time is it?", he mumbled and brushed his hair off his forehead.

Wilhelm just stood there looking at Simon. Simon stared back. Was Wille sleep walking or something? Why would the boy wake him up and then just stand there staring?

Until Simon realized. He was sitting in his bed, his whole torso naked. Well he hated the pyjamas, blame him! It had been hard enough to learn to sleep with his pyjama pants on, because his whole life he had slept only with his boxers! With quick movements Simon tried to pull the bed covers over his chest and that made Wilhelm snap back to reality.

"Oh, sorry.. Sorry so much, I just... Just sleep I will go...", Wilhelm rambled and tried to leave, but Simon was faster. He took Wilhelm's wrist and pulled the boy back.

"Hey, I'm awake now, what is going on?", Simon asked and slowly pulled the boy closer. Wille just breathed deep, obviously struggled a bit with his thoughts and then finally decided to sit on the edge on Simon's bed. Simon did not release the other boy's wrist, just started to brush his thumb on it with gentle pace.

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