Ch.19 The Unwanted Phone Call

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The ache in Simon's chest started to become unbearable. Every morning started with pounding ache behind his ribs and in the evening, it felt like constant anxiety or a small heart attack.

Due to the pain, he snapped to his mom and Sara way more, than he was proud of. Well Sara understood him better, but their mom was confused. She was used to Simon, who was usually happy and mellow guy. Well he had his moments of course, he was a teenage boy, but still overall he considered himself as a fairly nice guy. Now there was nothing nice in him. He made his best to avoid contact with people, because he did not want to cause the bad mood.

He was currently hiding in his own room and moping.

"Simon, lunch is ready! Please come to eat!", his mom's voice said behind his door. He was super hungry yes and he wanted to be with his mom so...

It took all of his strength to lift himself from the bed and walk to the kitchen. His mom was already set the table and was putting food on his plate. He realized, that there was only two plates on the table, one for him and one for his mom.

"Where is Sara?", he asked while sitting on his place. Linda had made empanadas, one of his favourite foods.

"She went to the local stables. Said that she was missing riding. Won't be back before dinner time", she replied with a smile.

Simon just nodded and started to eat his food. His head was spinning, and it felt like he was also about to puke. But he wanted to eat. He was focusing to keep his head intact and he tried to keep on his breathing and eating.

"Simon, is there something you want to talk about?", Linda asked quietly.

"No.." he mumbled and kept his gaze on the table.

"Simon my darling...", his mom continued.

He just sighed and dropped his food back on the plate and leaned back. He wiped his face with his hands, noticing the strands of sweat on his forehead. It obviously took him more strength just to work as a human being, as he had realized. A long groan escaped from his mouth. He had no other options anymore than talk. He would so much rather to talk about this with Wille, but the Wille would not come until tomorrow and his mom would not take his action anymore without explanation...

"I'm sorry that I've been acting weirdly these couple of days...", he started, and his mom's hand appeared immediately on her shoulder.

"Baby, I'm not angry! I'm just upset, because I see my son struggling with something and I would like to help...", se replied, but Simon interrupted her.

"Mom it is nothing you can help with unfortunately...", he said and swallowed empty before continuing. "You know that Wille and I are together, but there might be something deeper in it too..."

"Simon, Wille is not hurting you right?", she immediately asked, making Simon furiously shaking his head.

"NO no, mom! Wille is not hurting me, it's kind of like an opposite...", he stumbled and looked his mother. The lady looked more confused as ever...

"Mom, you already know, that there is magic inside of me and Sara, right?"

Linda just nodded.

"The magic in each of us wizards is different. It's a bit like a small soul inside. But like... When Wille and I started to become friend, this really weird magic happened between us. It felt like electricity was running under our skins", he started to explain.

He was going to do this by not telling the worst parts like the excruciating pain and Wille's family problems. His poor mom did not have to know everything, right?

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