Ch.2 The First Day

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The double class of Potions on a Monday morning, what a way to start a week...

Simon was good at school, and he had very high grades, but he had to admit, that Potions was definitely his least favourite subject. But he wanted a wide selection of schools to apply after graduation, so he just had to continue Potions after his OWLs last year.

"Tell me again Ayub, why the Potions have to be held in the dungeons? It is the most horrible way to spend your Monday morning! Locked in underground without a glimpse of natural light...", Simon whined, while they were walking even deeper and deeper under of the castle.

"Because some of the potion ingredients are extremely sensitive to natural light! But I have to admit, that it is not my favourite way to start the week...", Ayub replied while they were going inside the classroom.

Simon just slumped on his seat next to Ayub and collected his books from his back. While lifting his gaze, he froze. He had totally forgot that their Potions class was with Hufflepuffs. A certain dirty blond hair was sitting no more than a stool away. Wilhelm just sat there, reading his book.

Simon swallowed blank, because now he really could see the boy for the first time. And even a blind walrus couldn't deny that the boy was handsome as hell. Of course he had his rougher edges like acne covering his cheeks and his hair was a bit greasy from the front, which kept on falling in front of his eyes. But still, Wilhelm was so handsome. He has tough outer core, but based on yesterday, Simon knew that there was something much deeper in his soul. Well, he was the first unsorted student for the over 700 years.

Simon stumbled from his thoughts when Ayub sharply pushed his elbow between his ribs.

"Simon you are staring again! Collect yourself! He is Wilhelm Bernadotte, not a zoo animal!", Ayub whisper-shouted in his ear at the same moment when Professor Slughorn appeared in the class.

"Good morning my dear students, what a beautiful day to start with Potions! Last weeks we have been making the most common flu-potions, but we still have one more to study for your NEWT degree. Today we make the basic brewing of the stomach-ache potion, and we will finish it on the lesson in Thursday. But before that, we should welcome our new student Wilhelm! And because it is more than fair, I will give you all new potion partners for this week", Slughorn stated and instant groaning began in the class. But everybody knew better that it is easier just to follow the rules and deal this week with different arrangement.

Slughorn started to pull names from his ornament brewing pot and one by one, people started to form their new partners.

"Ayub Demir and Sofia Gallager", Slughorn called and Ayub disappeared from Simon's side.

"Wilhelm Bernadotte and Simon Eriksson"

Simon's eyes widened. After the initial shock, he walked next to Wilhelm, because the poor boy was just looking around himself, obviously not having a slightest clue who of the students was Simon Eriksson. The boy jumped a little when Simon put his stuff on the table next to him.

"Hey, I'm Simon", he talked first and reached out his hand to shake Wilhelm's. With a small hesitance Wilhelm grabbed it and shook it.

"Wilhelm", he replied and gave Simon a small smile. Actually so cute one, that Simon's heart exploded with endearment. Wilhelm looked so young and confused at the moment that Simon just wanted to pet his hair and give him a lollipop.

"Can I ask, are you the Simon, who is Sara Eriksson's brother?", Wilhelm asked, and Simon just smiled.

"The one and only. Obviously, my sister has been ranting all the embarrassing stuff about me yesterday, huh?", Simon joked, causing Wilhelm to turn his gaze down. Did this boy not understand a joke?

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