Ch.22 Erik

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On the next day, their friends started to leave. There was still five more days until the school would start so they had their own businesses to handle. Felice was going to skiing with his parents in Aspen and Rosh had promised to keep a look of her little sibling. Ayub had nothing, but as assumed, he was not the biggest fan to spend time alone with Simon and Wilhelm, which he had started to call as 'Wilmon'.

The last New Year's Eve had been the best. After the fireworks they all headed back to Simon's house and Linda joined them. They had just been laughing and giggling for the most stupid things and ended the night with the most boring movie ever. Only him and Sara survived to the end of it, while everybody else went sleeping one by one.

When Simon had finally reached his own room around three o'clock at night, The sight he saw, when he was the most heart-warming. Ayub had been laying on his stomach on the air mattress and was snoring like a drill hammer. Wille on the other hand had curled in Simon's bed, hair fallen over his closed eyes and drool dripping on the pillow from his open mouth... Simon may have picture evidence of the scene in his phone, but they did not have to know that!

When the next day was turning to the evening and him, Wille and Sara were playing Monopoly on the living room table. That was when the doorbell rang. None of them even paid too much attention to it, because Linda was in the kitchen, so she would open it if needed. They just continued the game.

"Ummm, Wille", Linda's voice startled them. The lady had appeared in the room and was looking weird.

"Yes Linda?", Wille replied immediately.

"There is someone at the door asking you...", Linda spoke, nervousness in her voice.

Due to those words, all colour drained from Simon's face. Wille was not much better. This might be a good thing or a beginning of a disaster...

"Oh... Did they say their name?", Wille asked, trying to mask the panic in his voice.

"He said, that he is your brother, but I cannot be sure. I locked the front door, but you can see him from the kitchen window", Linda told with anxious voice.

Simon felt bad. His mom was scared, and for a reason! The situation was overall difficult and now some unknown man was standing on her doorstep...

Wille quickly stood up and walked in the kitchen, Simon being not far behind. He was worried for the safety of his boyfriend. If it was not Erik, this would be a mess... But with a quick glaze from the window, Wille was already running to open the front door. So, it must be his brother them.

"Erik!", Wille almost cried and the two brothers were immediately hugging each other.

Erik was nothing like Simon had imagined. The boy was even taller than Wille and his features were much darker. His shoulders were wide and his stance straight, but despite these, he held warm look on his face, when he was hugging his little brother.

"Hey Wilhelm", Erik chuckled, when he pulled off the hug.

"What are you doing here? You said you would write...", Wille asked, looking his brother like the poor man was from space.

"We need to talk and letters are not an option with his matter", he replied and turned his face to Simon for the first time.

"You must be the Simon, my brother kept on talking about?", he said with a teasing voice, but smile on his face.

"Umm, yeah... Nice to meet you", he stammered a reply and offered his hand, but Erik just grabbed him in a hug.

"I'm not going to shake a hand of a man, who is already in my family tree as Wilhelm's spouse", Erik laughed, which made Simon relax. He smiled and felt Wille coming to his side and wrap and arm around his waist. Their eyes met and neither of them could hold the love, radiating towards each other. Erik's face faltered a bit due to their affection, but he was quick to recover.

The Boy Who Does Not Belong Here (part 1)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu