Ch.5 Slytherin

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Wilhelm had been right about his week in Slytherin... Simon had not believed first about the thing he said about his cousin on Hogsmeade day, but Wille had been so right...

August was a seventh year Slytherin, and Simon (and most of the Hogwarts) knew the boy of his super cocky attitude, but Simon has mostly been able to avoid the person during his school time. First, Simon was not interesting person from August's point of view and second, Simon wanted nothing to do with the arrogant boy.

But now, when Wille was in Slytherin, August had decided that the boy was his new trophy or a follower. He kept Wille next to him all time and on Monday breakfast he made super clear to all students that 'Wilhelm is part of my family tree and he will be the next proud Slytherin Bernadotte'.

Simon had asked from Sara about Wilhelm's and August's family histories and the girl new that only with a few exceptions, both boy's families have been famous Slytherins. That surprised him, because Wille seemed nothing like most of the Slytherins. Yes he had the family legacy, but that's all! In his heart Simon knew, that Wilhelm was not a Slytherin. And if anyone was smart enough to look, Wille's face told the same story. He looked absolutely miserable and mortified being forced to stand next to August and listen the boy's constant ramble about their common heritage.

Simon tried his best to sneak some secret looks to Wilhelm, but the boy had decided to constantly look on to his feet. Simon had actually even waited this week, because they would have more shared classes than during the last two weeks, but they definitely could not hang out, because August decided that it was his job to walk Wilhelm to all the classes and the same cocky and arrogant face waited after each lesson at the class door. It was also impossible to bond during classes, because neither Flitwick or McGonagall decided to pair them...

On Thursday Simon had enough. He was walking on Charms and suddenly in front of him August was again walking next to Wille. With a spur of moment, Simon made a plan in his head. They had almost fifteen more minutes before the class, and he just wanted to say hey and ask how things were going. So what he did was accelerated himself to run, passed the two boys, grabbed tightly on Wilhelm's right hand and continued to run. Wille stumbled a bit in his step but did not struggle against Simon's pull.

"Wille, don't you remember, we have to be early on Charms, because Flitwick had the new assignment for us? We are late!!", Simon yelled so loud, that August must heard and then he just ran. He ran as fast as his legs allowed, continuing to pull Wilhelm with a force. He heard August yelling something and the cocky boy even sped his steps behind them, but he and Wille just ran.

With a quick turn to right and push on the left, he opened the empty classroom door and forced them inside. The door clicked shut and Simon just pressed Wilhelm's back on the door and he leaned his front against the door too. He pressed his ear against it and listened if August was still following them. There were steps first coming closer, making Simon's breath hitch, but then they started to disappear.

They did it, August had not noticed their location. It made Simon giggle in the adrenaline rush, and he was just about to turn his face towards Wilhelm, until he noticed...

He was not leaning his front against the door. He was leaning on Wilhelm and his body was pinning the taller boy against the door. Their faces were not more than maybe two centimetres apart and Wilhelm was looking him stunned. Their breathings were ragged due to the running, and they were so intensely pressed against each other, that Simon's heart started to beat like million kilometres per second. He did not realize to move and Wille was not pushing him away. Their breaths started to mix due to close distance and Simon's head started to spin until...

Until it happened. It started as a small tingling on his skin. First it felt like he had pulled over a fleece jumper, which was full with static electricity. But not more than couple of seconds later the tingling changed to more intense and finally it was like his whole body had been electrocuted. A painful scream escaped from his lips, and when he looked downwards, he could see literal small blue lightnings dancing all around his and Wilhelm's bodies. He panicked and as an automatic reaction he tried to pull himself off, but immediately it felt like his back had been hit with a whip.

The Boy Who Does Not Belong Here (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now