Ch. 1 The Boy, who doesn't belong here

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"Why do we have to be here?", Simon asked from his best friends Ayub and Rosh, while he was rushing to the Great Hall.

"Because McGonagall has some kind of statement and she want's everybody here", Ayub answered with a quick whisper. The whole hall was full of speculations and all the students were whispering. Simon could hear that two third year girls on his right side seemed to be completely sure, that Headmistress was retiring and couple of boys on his other side seemed to assume, that Triwizard Tournament is coming back this year.

Simon was just about to open his mouth again when McGonagall's voice silenced the whole Hall.

"Thank you, dear students! Today I have a special announcement, because our beloved school is going to receive a new student", McGonagall started and immediately whispering started again. Simon was confused. The year had started a month ago and he had never heard that someone was starting school in the middle of a semester. Why this poor kid was not informed early enough and why this is so important to announce, that McGonagall is asking everybody in the Great Hall.

"Silence!", McGonagall's voice echoed around the Hall. "This is a special occasion because our student is coming from America. He has been studied there his first five years, but now he has returned to Europe, and he is going to attend Hogwarts. The reason I wanted to call all of you students here, is that we are going to witness the first time in Hogwarts history a sorting ceremony of a sixteen-year-old student. In his old school, there were not Houses, so we cannot set him in a House close to his old. So I hope all of you will attend dinner on Sunday at six o'clock, when the sorting ceremony will be held. Thank you all, now you can attend to your classes for the rest of the day", McGonagall ended her speech.

The students started to leave the Great Hall with so much speech, that Simon felt like his head had been filled with bees. He personally did not understand why this is something special. Maybe because he was basically a muggle born, despite being a half blood. He and his twin sister Sara (a sixth year Hufflepuff) were raised by their muggle mom, because his dad had disappeared when they had been just three years old. His 'loved' dad had never told their mom, that he was a wizard. How fucking convenient...

It had been a huge shock for their family, when he and Sara had received a letter from Hogwarts on their eleventh birthday. They had just been attending a normal school in Bjärstad and living their life as a small single-mom family. After the initial shock, the wizard life and Hogwarts had been the best that had ever happened to Simon and his sister. He and Sara had always felt like outcasts, but they had not been able to pinpoint why. Being a wizard and a witch explained a lot! Of course it had been hard to leave their mom and spend most of the year in UK, but is was so worth it. They were both extremely good at school and they had decided to bring their mom here after receiving jobs. Their mom had raised them all alone with almost no money, so after the graduation, they can first time give back to their mom and provide her an easier life with easier finances.

"Why this is so big deal? Am I just stupid? In my school in Bjärstad, kids were moving and switching schools all the time", Simon asked from Rosh. Ayub had quickly left to have his own lesson while Rosh and Simon were continuing theirs.

"Simon, this is huge! Did you not hear McGonagall? Never in Hogwarts history there have been a sorting ceremony to older than eleven-year-old kid. In Europe, all the wizarding school have Houses. In America, they gave up the Houses like seven years ago. Now they have to sort this guy! This is so exiting Simon!", Rosh babbled while they were walking.

"I still don't get it! They just put the same ancient Sorting Hat on this boy's head, and it calls his new House. Then he continues his schooling in that House", Simon argued back.

The Boy Who Does Not Belong Here (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now