Ch. 10 Kindness

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"Simon can you at least try!", the small Hufflepuff girl, whose name Simon still did not remember, cried in front of him.

They had been having the dance practises for full two weeks now, and just like previous years, Simon sucked. He could not understand himself, how he could be so utterly bad at dancing still, despite doing this same thing every year.

"I'm sorry, I just can't dance!" he cried out and just threw his hands in the air. This was hopeless.

"Just listen the instructions, it is like three different steps!", the girl argued back.

"What is going on here?", Wilhelm's voice said behind Simon. Oh great, now even Wilhelm was taking a part to his 'how to totally fail to dance' performance!

"Simon can't dance, and I would actually like to learn these steps", the girl huffed, crossing her arms on her chest.

Simon just turned his desperate gaze to Wille. The taller boy had been the lucky one. He had been paired with Felice and they actually had fun at the dance practices.

"Where is Felice?", he asked, tying to spot the girl.

"She had the Divination class. Something about 'planets being in right angle' or some other bullshit. But do you need help?", Wille suddenly asked, causing Simon to groan but also nod his head. He had thought that Wilhelm would grab the girl, and start to explain the steps, but suddenly he found himself been pulled on Wilhelm's arms and boy started.

"Okey, I do the girl steps. This is just basic waltz. Move your left feet back, I'll follow. Then move your other feet next to it"

Simon did as Wille guided, and he almost fell as he stumbled to his two feet. Wille just started to laugh so much, that some of the students close by turned their heads to look the scene. Simon himself was a red as a tomato.

"See what I mean! I just leave now....", Simon's dance partner groaned, turned on her heels and left the Hall with hair fluttering. Simon groaned himself and just leaned his forehead on the chest of still giggling boy.

"This is a nightmare!", he whined.

"How can you be so bad after doing this five times already?", Wilhelm asked, still randomly bursting to laugh.

"How to hell should I know?!?", he replied with kitten-like anger in his voice.

"Okey let's try this way. Maybe it will help you to figure it out. I lead and you follow", Wille suggested.

"Oh, so now I'm a girl? How nice of you", he mumbled sarcastically.

Wille knew that Simon would not be angry, but it was a bit embarrassing, that he had to be taught to dance by learning girl's steps.

"Shut up and follow", Wille stated and started to lead.

At that moment Simon figured out, that Wille was super good at ballroom dancing. The boy led the way and it felt like Simon did not have to do anything. He just followed Wille's movements, and they danced. Fuck Simon actually was dancing! And it did not even feel that hard, when Wille was taking the control. And it did not hurt to be able to look Wilhelm with high stance and smile on his face.

When the song ended, Wilhelm just grabbed him in a hug.

"Way to go Simon, you just danced!", he giggled and smiled gently.

"So do we have to draw a conclusion, that I'm a girl when it comes to dancing", Simon shot back, but his face was also decorated by smile.

"No, you are a very much a super masculine and hard-edged man", Wilhelm tried to defend, causing Simon to laugh.

The Boy Who Does Not Belong Here (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now