Ch.4 Ravenclaw

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As Simon had guessed, he did not see much of Wilhelm next week. It annoyed him for some reason, but what literally infuriated him was Felice Ehrencrona. The super popular and super good looking Ravenclaw girl, who had decided to act as Wilhelm's shadow this week. And Wilhelm did not seem to be against that. They walked on all lunches and dinners together and they were always laughing and talking with each other.

Simon knew that Felice had just one goal in her mind... She was from famous pureblood family, and her dad was working on the high level in UK's Ministry of Magic. She needs a high-profile pureblood boyfriend (and husband in future) and who would be better than Wille... And the same goes with Wilhelm, they would be the power couple of Hogwarts and wizard world, if they ever ended up together. And based on Felice's behaviour, she had that exact goal in her mind!

"Simon, please cheer up! You have acted the whole week like a troll shit in your mouth", Ayub tried to cheer him but Simon's blood just boiled. He did not understand, why the fact with Wilhelm and Felice hanging out made him so ridiculously angry. He and Wilhelm were barely friends... But shit fuck let him be angry if he wants!

"Shut up...", he spat back to Ayub and gave a dirty look towards Felice and Wilhelm. The girl was currently next to Wille, almost crawling on his lap and giggling like an idiot for something Wilhelm had said. Ayub noticed where Simon was looking and also looked the pair in the Ravenclaw table.

"Simon, why are you angry because of Wilhelm and Felice? Isn't it nice that Wilhelm gets more friends?", Ayub asked looking confused.

"Because Simon is a jealous fucker", Rosh answered to his question, startling both boys. Neither of them had noticed, that she had walked next to them to have her lunch.

"Shut up Rosh! I'm not jealous! I'm just so fucking annoyed! Felice acts like horny cat around Wille! She just wants a famous and influential boyfriend and Wille is probably her fantasy. Wille is much more than just his bloodline!", Simon spat out and continued his lunch despite having no appetite.

"Simon, man... You know that that I love you, but you have hung out with Wilhelm just a couple of times. It's not like he cannot have other friends", Rosh continued while eating.

"You don't get it! Ayub are you ready? We have to go to the Care of Magical Creatures...", Simon snapped, collected his stuff and started to walk out of the Hall. Ayub rushed after him and caught him on the front doors. Simon was just so full of anger, that he kept his look in front of him and did not say a word.

Ayub decided to break the silence, when they were almost at the halfway towards Hagrid's hut.

"Simon, do you like have a crush on Wilhelm?", Ayub said quietly and tried to peek Simon's facial expression.

"Ayub, can you just give up already, it's like...", Simon began, but his sentence was interrupted by familiar voice.


Boy turned his head around and immediately he saw Wilhelm running towards them. They boy was red on his face from how fast he was running, so Simon stood on place and waited the boy to catch them. He had seriously forgotten that this was the only lesson, him and Wilhelm were having in common this week.

From each step, the smiling Wille took closer him, Simon could feel his bad mood to disappear. A smile creeped on his own lips, when Wille finally stood next to him.

"Hey!", Wilhelm said gently, and his red face made Simon almost goo.

"Hey", he almost whispered back and just smiled. It felt like he had not smiled in ages. They just stood there looking each other and smiling like total idiots...

The Boy Who Does Not Belong Here (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now