Ch.23 The Last Fight

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The next morning became way too quickly. Or at least Simon thought so.

They were set to leave to at ten o'clock, but he and Wille had been awake since dawn. They had whisper sweet words and exchanged some loving touches to ease their both's anxiety. It was easy to distract themselves by focusing on each other. When the rummaging started to sound from the kitchen, they finally rose up. Wille decided to take the shower first, so Simon just went to help his mother with a breakfast.

But he got to witness a scene, that he had never could have guessed. Linda was making the breakfast, but Erik, the full-grown adult man was following her like a puppy, eyes wide by the fascination. Linda explained him the simplest things like using the stove and the coffee maker and Erik seemed to be eager to learn. Somehow Simon saw it like his mom was teaching a toddler and Erik's facial expression mimicked a three-year-old's when they were allowed to do something new.

He giggled in his jumper sleeve and stood hidden for a long time, just observing the scene. When Wilhelm eventually appeared behind him, he just signed him to stay quiet and look himself. Wille's face was so full or adornment that Simon's heart clenched. Not only because of his boyfriend, but also because despite Kristina Bernadotte, at least two Bernadotte seemed to fit well in his family.

When they arrived at the Bernadotte family house, Simon was totally stunned. Yes, he knew that his boyfriend's family was rich and famous as hell, but this was something way too much for him to handle. He was staring a fucking mansion. Or could it be even described as a castle? There was a huge garden and iron gate, that led on the front yard. There was even a freaking security guard standing next to the gate! The house itself was a not only huge but build from grey stones and decorated with statues and ornaments. His own home looked like a garden shed next to this thing...

His appearance probably spoke more than hundred words, because Wille started to chuckle next to him.

"Welcome to my home", he whispered, trying to keep the mood as light as possible.

"Home my ass! This is a castle", he argued back.

"Wait until you see the inside! My ancestors were a bit... over the top", Wille giggled, smiling to his boyfriend.

"Oh Merlin...", Simon just replied, when they reached the front doors. Yes, doors, they were two of them!

Erik opened it, leading the group on the front hall. Simon decided that now this was officially too much. He was in the freaking front hall and the walls were already covered with art and heavy antique curtains were framing the ceiling-floor windows. There was a staircase and so many doors to all different directions, that he was sure he would need a map, if he ever was supposed to navigate in this household...

"Mother usually stays in the library these days, looking at the family tree. Maybe I go in first and then Wilhelm and Simon. Linda please stay behind. If something happens, we can protect you", Erik explained his plan, before he opened one of the doors. It led to a long hallway, which led to the library room.

"If anything happens...", Wilhelm started to say, but Simon silenced him immediately.

"Nothing will happen!", he said strictly, but maybe he squeezed his boyfriends hand a bit harder...

"Mother?", Erik called gently, obviously trying to keep the atmosphere as serene as possible.

There was no answer, so they continued deeper.

Behind the third huge bookshelf, opened the small sitting area, revealing the enormous wall canvas. The family tree.

Simon was so fascinated to stare the ornament, that he almost missed the small figure, sitting on the chair, back towards them and eyes focused on the canvas. Kristina Bernadotte... Erik walked next to the chair and kneeled next to it, pressing a light hand on his mother's shoulder. The lady did not move or turn her head away from the canvas. She was almost like a statue. Just like Erik had described yesterday.

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