051. doppelgangers

Start from the beginning

"I mean, he isn't wrong." Larissa says and Sam looks at her. "But you're... you know, still my favorite nerd." She pats his cheek.

"You don't have a clue how to kill 'em or slow 'em down and your plan is, what? Go right at 'em? Genius." Bobby remarks.

"They're wearing our faces, Bobby. This is personal." Dean says.

"Yeah, I'm with Dean here." Sam says.

"Yeah, and they're gonna be the only ones with your faces after they kill you guys." Larissa remarks.

"Well, if you're gonna be stupid, you might as well be smart about it. You need to see a fella named Frank Devereaux."

"Who's he?" Sam asks.

"He's a jackass and a lunatic, but he owes me one from back in Port Huron." Bobby says. He gives Dean a piece of paper. "In the meantime, I'll keep working on Chatty Cathy here, see if I can figure out what makes him die."

"I'll go with you." Larissa says.

"No. No, no. No." Sam denies. "This-- this is stupid and dangerous. Besides, being seen with us, if we get caught, isn't the best option. You should stay here with Bobby."

"So only you two get to be major dumbasses?" Larissa asks.

"Yep." Sam nods. He kisses her on the cheek before he and Dean walk out.


Bobby shoots Chet with a shotgun.

"Whoo! Do it again! Come on, do it again!" Chet yells. Bobby puts the gun down. "So you're just gonna touch me in the morning, then just walk away?"

"Are you still talkin'?" Bobby questions.

"Aren't you sick of this yet?" Chet asks.

"You bleed. Black... snot, sure, but you bleed, you can die." Bobby says.

"Sure, sport, whatever you say. Try the acid again, why don't you? Poor sap. You're stumped." Chet says.

"Give it a rest, mouthy."

"How long you think these'll hold once the spell wears off, hmm? Tick tock, old man. I'm gonna really enjoy eating you, right down to that hat. Then I get to eat the babe."

"I said shut up."

"And then, I'm gonna eat everyone you ever said hello to."

Bobby cuts Chet's head off.

"Hot damn. Well, that's somethin'." Bobby says.

"Why is he so much more annoying than literally anything else?" Larissa questions.


The two are upstairs and there's a knock on the front door, Bobby and Larissa sharing a confused look. Bobby grabs his gun and looks through the peephole. He runs a hand over his beard and opens the door.

"What the... what the hell are you doing here?" Bobby asks.

"You're all charm, Bobby." Jody says.

"So my therapist keeps telling me. How'd you find me?" Bobby asks.

"I'm a cop, remember?" Jody says. She holds up a plastic bag and six pack of beer. "You gonna invite me in?"

"Well, you may not want me to. I got one of the big mouths downstairs."

"So I won't go downstairs." Jody walks in.  "Hey, Larissa." She greets, the younger woman waving. "I, uh... I wanted to come to thank you." She tells Bobby, putting the stuff on the table.

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