The Beginning

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We got up a little before dawn to make sure we had everything ready.

We got our backpacks and extra food and Nico grabbed his sword

"Will we need to get you a weapon." He said and I sighing knowing he was right

We ran to the weapon shed Nico turned on the lights and we started looking

Some of them were okay but others I couldn't stand.

We looked at the swords and daggers and anything really having no luck

The Sun was about to rise and I almost gave up until

Something in the corner caught my eye

I see these 2 bracelets on the shelf and I walk over

"What are these doing here?" I ask him and he walks over and sees me put the bracelets on

"Maybe they're like Percy's sword." Nico suggested and he looks over it a little and he sees the sun crest on the top and pushes it

Suddenly a 6 inch blade shoots out hovering over my hand connected to the bracelet

"Reminds me of Wolverine almost" I hear Nico say quietly making me snort

I step away and press the sun crest on the other one and an identical blade comes out and I look at them and smile

"I know that look. You found your weapon." He grins with brown/golden eyes and I nod

"These feel perfect. Not heavy either and easy to carry around." I say and I look at the sun crest and think

I wonder if these have a connection to Apollo. They seem...familiar

"Perfect timing. It's time to leave" Nico said and I press the crests again and they went back in

He grabs my hand and we head to the front of camp

I see Jason, Austin, Kayla, and Chiron at the front and we walk over to them

"We are to see you off." Jason said and brings Nico in a hug

I get tackled by Austin and Kayla and they grin at me

"First quest dude!" Austin says and Kayla elbowed him

"You'll do great Will. Be safe and listen to Nico." She says and I snort at the last part

"Thanks guys." I smile and Chiron trots over to me

"Good luck William I have faith in you-" he stops and looks at the bracelets on my wrists

"Oh we got these in the Weapon Shed." I explain and he grabs my wrist carefully

"Son have you looked at the names engraved on these." He said gently and I turn my wrist over

"Lee Fletcher-...and Michael Yew..." I say as I recognized the name of my older brothers/previously head councilors.

"These were made by Lee with the help of Apollo. Then when Lee died Michael wore them in his honor. After he died we didn't know if you would want them because at the time you were young and forced to step up as the eldest to be councilor. So we put them in the shed forgetting about them. It's very amazing how you ended with them anyways William, I guess these were meant for you." Chiron said and I look at them and smile sadly

"I will wear these with honor." I say and Nico stands next to me and smiles

"Ready?" He asks softly and I nod a little

Trans Will (Solangelo Love Story) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now