Monsters What's New?

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Nico throws our bags in his backpack and grabs my hand and we run the opposite

"Nico wait what if people are hurt!" I call and he stops

"Dam. I didn't think about that." He says and eyes flash back in forth between teal and green

(Green is distressed and teal is worry)

"We have to go back" I said and he sighs looking at me and his eyes go back between hazel and teal

(Deep affection is hazel.)

"You are staying out of the fighting" he says and we run back and I see a cyclops fighting another cyclops

"Bad Cyclops! We don't hurt demigods" he yells guarding a young kid and I recognize the Cyclops

"Nico it's Tyson!" I call and Nico eyes flash teal then goes to black

"Stay and help the kid" he says and I run behind Tyson and pull the kid out of the way and he panicked

"Hey its okay. We are here to help. My name is Will" I say calmly and he sniffles

"Is da good monter gonna be otae?" He asks trying to look at the fight but I block his view

"He will be just fine. How old are you?" I ask looking at him knowing he cant be older then maybe 6 but he looks younger

"I 4" he says holding up 4 fingers and I nod

"Where are your parents?" I ask and I glance to look at the fight

Nico dodges a hit and the cyclops goes to throw some fire thing and Tyson blocks him

"I no have parents" the kid whimpers and I snap my attention to him and try to calm him

"Shh hey I know a great place where you will have so many siblings" I say now understanding why Tyson protected the kid

"weally?" He sniffles and I nod

"Yes" I smile and an explosion goes off and I shield the kid feeling intense heat on my back but no burning

"That's it!" Nico yells the ground goes cold and Nico summons a wall of bones blinding the bad cyclops and he goes from behind stabbing her and she vaporizes into nothing

He is taking heavy breaths and stumbles but Tyson grabs him and carries him over

"Little cousin fought good!" He says and places Nico beside me and he leans on me and looks at the kid

"You alright bud?" He asks his eyes flashing teal

"Yesh sir" he says and Nico gives him a smile his eyes flashing golden brown again before turning dark grey

"I am so tired" Nico sighs and I smile figuring out what dark grey meant

"Lets head back" I say and he nods a little

"Jules Albert" he said and I bring out the card

"Dead to living I summon you Jules Albert" I recite and the ground opened up and he appeared and looked at us with his Zombie eyes and gave what I think was a smile

The kid screamed and all of a sudden the fire hydrogens exploded and water bursted soaking us and Nico looks at him wide eyed flashing orange

(Orange surprised)

The kid looked at us his blond hair and sea green eyes looking terrified and he was the only one not wet

"Tyson...I think you have a little brother" I said and Tyson didn't look surprised

Trans Will (Solangelo Love Story) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now