I'm Sorry!

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I wake up with sunlight blinding me and I look down and a black haired half blood is in my arms

Nico was clinging to me our legs entangled and he was snuggled close slightly snoring and his hair was crazy

I smile and kiss his forehead and slowly pull him off me so I could sit up

He replaces me with a pillow hugging that making me chuckle lightly

Cuddle bug

I move the covers off me and froze and I stare in horror at the blood right there

Nononono not now please not now!

I look at the blood on the sheets under  me and I move the covers more and I wanted to cry

Nico sweats were covered in my own blood and put my head in my hands

"Dammit" I mumble tears brimming my eyes and soon a hand was on my back and I jump and look and Nico was staring at me with teal eyes

"Hey whats wrong" he asks and I glance at his sheets and he follows my gaze

"Oh" he says quietly and he looks down at himself and sees it on his sweats

"Nico I'm so sorry! I didn't even think about this possibility I was on T and puberty blockers and didn't consider the possibility after I was off that my period would come and I-" Nico cuts me off with a hug and I froze in surprise

"Will. Go to my bathroom clean up. Take a shower." He says softly and I look at him

"But...what about you" I sniff my eyes misty and he shakes his head

"Its just on the outside of my sweats not my skin. You're in soiled shorts and underwear thats not comfortable okay." He whispered and his eyes were gold staring at me

I nod a little and move swinging my legs off the bed and I can feel the blood and run to his bathroom before I leak on his floor

I quickly turn on his shower and strip my soiled clothes and hop it before any mess is made and stand under the water and I finally let out a sob

I wish I was still on T this wouldn't have happened Gods this is mortifying I wish I was born right

"Dam it" I sob and I hear rustling

"Will?" I hear behind the black shower curtain. It was Nico

I flinch from the curtain but he stayed behind it. I swallow thickly trying not to seem like I was crying

"Yea?" I croak out and I hear him take a deep breath

"I ran to Apollo Cabin and talked to Kayla. She gave me a box of pads I also I grabbed you more clothes so I left you a clean pair and the box on the counter sink okay?" He says and I bite my lip taking a shaky breath

"Thank you" I mumble and I hear him sigh quietly

"Take as long as you need okay?" He says and I mumble okay and I hear him leave

I quickly clean myself up and I turn off the water opening the curtain slowly and I see a stack of neatly folded clothes and a box of pads

I quickly put the pad in my underwear and dry off and change and I look down and realize he took my soiled clothes making me flush with embarrassment. And a little grateful

I grab the box as leave the bathroom and I noticed Nico not in his main room so I follow the noise I hear to the back of the cabin quietly and I open the door to find a mini room with a washer and dryer and Nico putting my clothes im the washer

Trans Will (Solangelo Love Story) (COMPLETED)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin