Începe de la început

Y/n felt a surge of sadness knowing there was no way Jason could carry Festus.

An explosion roared below them, causing the four to all look down, where a giant fireball flew across the sky from a warehouse complex.

"Festus!" Leo sobbed.

Jason struggled to hold all of them, and they sort of bounced up and down, going hundreds of feet at a time, rather than descending softly.

"I — I can't —" Jason began, before losing his strength, and plummeting to the surface like a bag of rocks. They hit the roof of the warehouse and crashed into darkness.

Y/n closed her eyes; then, she saw it. There was a metal catwalk beneath them, in the shadows. She could barely make it out in time. Just before she hit the catwalk, she rolled, making her landing a lot easier. Unfortunately, she felt something sting at her arm.

She lost her coat in the fall, along with her weapon, so her bare arms were out.

In the dim light provided by several semi-working lightbulbs that hung from the ceiling, she could vaguely see Piper behind her.

Y/n could also saw a jagged piece of the catwalk jutting out from the left side of the railing, where it wasn't supposed to. She groaned, pushing the weird sensations out of her head and instead focused on the blood now running down her arm.

"Piper! Where's Piper! Y/n?!" Jason yelped from somewhere below.

"Ow, bro! That's my back! I'm not a sofa! Y/n, Piper? Where'd you go?" Leo complained.

"Here." Y/n heard Piper whimper from behind her. She stood up and made her way over, grunting, since her legs where sore.

Metal clanging from stairs in front of Y/n and past Piper were heard, and Leo and Jason raced up the steps.

"Oh gods." Y/n muttered when she saw the way Pipers's foot was bent. She felt terrible. She should've told her — no. Beating herself up wouldn't help Piper.

Y/n kneeled and scooted up to Piper, holding her hand. "Y/n?" She asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"You'll be okay." Y/n comforted. Jason and Leo finally made it, stopping in front of the two. Leo's new outfit had already been covered in dirt.

"You okay...?" Leo asked, then he looked at her foot, "Oh, no. You're not."

Y/n glared at him. What an idiot. "Thanks for the reassurance." Piper groaned.

"It'll be fine." Jason said, obviously worried. "Leo, you got any first aid supplies?"

"Yeah — yeah, sure." Leo dug around in his tools belt, fetching a wad of gauze and a roll of duct tape.

"How did you — " Piper tried to sit up, but winced when she did. "How did you pull that stuff from an empty belt?"

"Magic," Leo said, "haven't figured out completely, but I can summon just about any regular tool out of the pockets plus some other helpful stuff." he reached into another pocket and pulled out a little tin box. "Breath mint?"

Jason snatched the mints, "That's great, man. Now can you fix her foot?"

"I'm a mechanic. Maybe if she was a car..." He snapped his fingers. "What was that godly healing stuff they fed you at camp — Rambo food?"

"Ambrosia, dummy." Piper corrected. "There should be some in my bag, if it's not crushed."

Y/n stood up, and took a place next to Leo as Jason rummaged around in her backpack, looking for the ambrosia. Then, Piper looked up at her, her eyes widening in shock.

 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐒 ( leo valdez. )Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum