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——-     So much went wrong in such a short amount of time.

The second Y/n asked her question, three wind spirits, or at least, what Y/n thought were wind spirits, flew into the room.

They each were wearing the same white tunic with several golden cords wrapped around their bodies, mainly at their waists, along with bows strapped on their backs and quivers at their hips. One had dark hair, the other was a red-head, and the last was blonde. They were barefoot, and were carrying trays of food, drinks, and towels.

Cal jumped in excitement when he saw them, and Leo and Y/n jumped in surprise, leaping up to their feet.

"Sisters!" Cal exclaimed. The three all spoke at once, flying around him in a blur, giving Cal cans of Pepsi, bags of chips, and the brunette used her towels to dry off the sweat the Boread had worked up from his exciting game. Gross.

Once they were done, they moved onto their next victims. "Guests!" The blonde yelped, flying over to the two. Y/n reached for her sword, when the brunette swiped it away.

"Hey!" Y/n yelled, trying to get it back.

"Don't worry," the woman placed the sword in the tan bag she had hanging from her shoulder, "just for safe keeping."

The red-head began handing different types of snacks to Leo, and the blonde tried to serve Y/n champagne, which she refused.

"Who are you?" Leo asked, as he began eating a bag of Cheetos. Y/n tried to stop him out of fear of it being poisoned, but he insisted, saying he 'hadn't eaten since yesterday'.

"We are the Hyperborean Maidens." The blonde answered.

"The nymph daughters of King Boreas." The red-head added on.

The brunette switched out the towels, stuffing them in her bag, and pulled out a long curtain with two 7 foot tall, golden poles attached at each end, using it as a divider between Y/n and Leo.

"We used to work for Lady Artemis, but since she is unavailable at the moment, we've returned to our father's care, and work for him as valet's until Lady Artemis is back. We'll take care of you." She smiled, and her dark skin glowed in the light reflecting off the ice.

"I am Hekaerge, and these are my sisters, Loxo," the brunette, Hekaerge, motioned to the red-head, "and this is Oupis." She pointed to the blonde, who had began tugging at Y/n's clothes.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Y/n asked, flustered.

"These are all covered in oil, and all tattered. They need to be repaired, or at least replaced." Oupis explained.

"I'll be fine, now knock it off!" She swatted at her tan hand, pushing it away from the hem of her shirt. A blush covered her face.

"Fine, change yourself. I won't bother you." Oupis covered her eyes with one hand, and held out new clothes with the other. Where they'd come from? Y/n had no clue.

In her right hand sat a tightly fit f/c dress with thin straps, along with black tights, black heels, and a black fur coat that Y/n suspected was made of real fur.

"Seriously, I don't need a change of clothes, I can buy some later — "

"You don't like the outfit I picked for you?" Oupis lowered her hand and looked at Y/n with a frown, obviously upset with the girl. "But you'd look so adorable..."

The blonde maiden gave Y/n one of the worst pairs of puppy-dog eyes she'd ever seen, and eventually gave in. She grabbed the dress.

"Fine. But why a dress? It's winter." She gave in. She'd just find something to change into later. Besides, a dress wasn't the end of the world. So what if she had to fight in it. It looked like it'd cling around her legs well enough to keep it in place if she were ever hanging upside down.

 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐒 ( leo valdez. )Where stories live. Discover now