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——-      Y/n woke up, but she wasn't on Festus anymore.

In the darkness, she rose to her feet, feeling cold hardwood against her feet. She looked behind her, to see a single twin size bed, a single one in a large room the size of the cabins at camp.

Out of the corner of her eye, Y/n saw light peaking through the window at the top of a door behind her. She turned, and walked towards the light.

Her hand rested on the cold, bronze doorknob, and she contemplated opening it or just going back to sleep. She knew this was a dream; but she didn't want to be here. She wanted to wake back up.

So, just as she let go to go back to bed, she heard a scream. Her head whipped back around to face the door, and when the scream was heard again, she rushed out the door, running down the steps and onto the grass at the base.

She saw as campers from Camp Half-Blood ran around in rampage, running from various monsters. Y/n felt powerless to stop it. She watched as demigods were slaughtered in their own beds — she felt sick.

She tried to turn back into the cabin, it was sinking into the ground. Planks of wood cracking and crumbled into the dirt before her. She noticed a symbol on the front of the cabin, above the door.

It looked very familiar, but for some reason was blurred like someone didn't want her to know her parentage; like this was done on purpose.

Eventually, the entire cabin caved in on itself.

"Oh, foolish child. You'll never belong there." A voiced echoed from behind her.

Y/n turned frantically to see the silhouette of a tall, female figure. She ran in the other direction. The cabin had already been completely covered with earth, so Y/n simply ran over it, into the forest.

"You are running away from me in my domain. You will never be free of me, girl."

Y/n continued to run. She didn't care if it was pointless.

Suddenly, she found herself cornered at a cliff.

"Just like before, I will take all your precious friends. Remember your job. Your purpose. Fulfill it, and you'll be spared. You may even earn a place in this world once I've arisen. But for now, you are nothing. Don't forget that. You're a useless pawn to me; expendable. So behave, Y/n L/n. Behave."

A force pushed Y/n back, and she fell into the pit below the cliff.

— ( ☆ ) —

You know those dreams where you're falling and right before you hit the bottom, you wake up?

Y/n understood that all too well. But this time when she woke up, she really was falling.

Free falling in the sky.

Once it registered in her head, she screamed.

Next to her, Leo was frantically grabbing at clouds, and screaming "NOT COOL!" as loud as he possibly could. In the back of her head, Y/n thought: "not cool? It's cold as hell." She was lucky the dress was tight enough — otherwise she'd be charged with public indecency.

Y/n watched as Jason, who was holding onto a clinging Piper, flew at them. He caught both Leo and Y/n in his arms, which were surprisingly big enough to carry all three. Though, Piper was clinging onto his chest, and Y/n and Leo were in his arms, separately.

Leo thrashed in the other side of Y/n.

"Stop fighting! It's me!" Jason fought.

"My dragon!" The boy cried, "You've gotta save Festus!"

 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐒 ( leo valdez. )Where stories live. Discover now