Chapter Forty-Four

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Malfoy Manor
Wiltshire, England
Date: Friday, 24th of December 2021

"Are we just going to stand in silence?"

"I thought you would say something first,"

"You're the oldest,"

"And you are the child who was disrespectful to her parent. I guess we're both in shock," Narcissa answered.

"You are so much different than I thought you would be," Jenna shook her head. "I just assumed you were a stuck-up mother who only cared about money,"

"I thought you were a dumb American,"

"That's a little hurtful,"

"Your honest was too,"

"This is silly,"


"We're just stalling because both of us are too stubborn to apologize," Jenna said.

Narcissa sighed, finally caving, "I apologize for leading you to believe that I was disappointed in you. Arabella, Jenna, whatever you want to go by, I have learned so much from you in our short time together. I have never seen someone love as much as you do,"

"What does love look like to you?" Jenna grimaced. Narcissa glared at her as they walked through the garden. "Sorry, you can continue if you need to,"

"You act like me, you know. That's why we argue as much as we do," Her mother admitted. "If anything, it makes me love you more. I know you will succeed and survive in the world because I did. However, you will go further than me. You will change it and leave an impact," she pushed a stray hair away from Jenna's face. "I love you, Arabella,"

  Jenna looked at the bright green grass below her feet. She shivered slightly against the cold winter air. The dark green sweater she wore was more for inside activities than outside. Love was a complicated feeling for her. It made her uncomfortable when it was brought up in any conversation.

"I'm sorry too, mom,"

  She whispered the words softly into the air. It was difficult to say, not because she regretted what she said in anger. Jenna recalled her early years when she didn't know what that word meant. She never knew where home was. Now, she's found her true mom and true home.

  It's hard to admit because her heart is telling her to stay in America. Her small town, grandparents, and friends are all she's ever known. How could she leave it so easily? Surely, Narcissa and Lucius would understand her wanting to stay.

"What's on your mind?" asked Narcissa.

"Hm?" Jenna looked away from the pond and into her mother's blue eyes. They held warmth and love, something she wasn't used to seeing. Her mother opened her blood-red lips to speak but was interrupted.

"It's snowing!" cried Elliot. He along with Pansy, Draco, and Astoria ran out to the garden. Their faces held glee and surprise from the cool temperature. "DUCK!" Lucius threw a snowball at his son's back, nearly tripping him.

Their grandparents and Aunt followed soon after. Andy held a bundled-up Leo close to her chest while kneeling to assist Teddy. She beamed with pride as his hair changed to a startling white color to match the snow. Her daughter would be so proud.

"Are you leaving?" Jenna called out to Evelyn and James. Her grandma nodded slowly and held out her arms. Without thinking, she ran straight into them and held onto Evelyn tight. "Please, don't," she relaxed as her grandma ran a hand through her dark locks.

They shared a sympathetic look as Jenna's reaction caught her family's attention. The Malfoy's hadn't realized how close she was to the older couple. Every time Jenna talked about an adopted family she went silent. They assumed she didn't like any of them.

"You could," James hesitated as he looked at Narcissa Malfoy. He could see fear in her blue eyes. Fear that he related to, as he would never want his child taken from him. She suffered that tragedy many times, according to Jenna. He couldn't be the reason she went through it again.

Looking down, he realized Jenna was still clinging to his wife. Evelyn wasn't helping. She stared at the ground and continued stroking her hair. He knew it comforted the pair to stay in that position. Although he didn't want to hurt Narcissa and Lucius, he couldn't hurt Evelyn.

They shared a bond he had never seen. Evelyn had never loved someone more than him; he believed Jenna rivaled that statement. It would hurt her to never see their granddaughter again.

"What if we moved to London?" asked Evelyn, looking at her husband. Jenna stepped back and stared at her grandma with wide eyes.

"Are you serious?" Elliot beamed. "Can you? Would you?"

"Yes, would you?" asked Anita. She and Druella saw their worlds crumbling down before them.

"We could. We've wanted to sell Peter and Melissa's house for a year now. We could wait until Jenna's finished with school, of course, and move. We have plenty of money," James explained.

Jenna nodded, the DuBaers came from wealth. She knew her grandparents had a trust set up in her name that would go into effect after they died. She prayed that was something that didn't happen soon.

"So?" she asked. Elliot came up behind her and stared at them excitedly. They watched James and Evelyn exchange a look before turning back to them.

"We'll do it!" James said. Elliot cheered while Jenna jumped up and down. They pulled their grandparents into a hug and continued to talk amongst themselves.

"What just happened?" asked Lucius.

"Well," Draco began. "I believe we will be seeing more of my sister,"

"We get our daughter back after she finishes school in the spring," Narcissa breathed in relief.

"Yes," Cygnus agreed, a slight tug in his heart made him stop.

"I can't believe this is happening," Abraxas stated.

"What?" Pansy asked, turning to the elder Malfoy's.

"They get their daughter back, which is wonderful," Anita said.

Druella formed. "However, all of us may have just lost our granddaughter,"

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