Chapter Eleven

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Black Manor
Tinsbury, England
Date: Sunday, 5th of December, 2021

"You're possibly the worst liar on this Earth,"

  Jenna kept her eyes on the floor. She and Elliot had learned the hard way that making eye contact with Narcissa while she was interrogating was an idiotic move. She held her breath as she waited for Draco to respond.

"Mother, I am a grown adult!"

"Oh, no," Elliot whispered. "Oh, no,"

"Shut up," Jenna glared.

  The sitting room went silent. Jenna lifted her head to see her brother and mother in the middle of a stare-off. She rubbed her temples; it would be a long day if they continued like this.

"Mother, it was my idea," Jenna confessed. "Draco and Elliot went along with it because it made sense,"

"You are accusing Sabrina of placing your father under a love spell, Arabella. Do you have any idea how serious this is?" Narcissa asked, sitting down beside her daughter.

"I do! That's why I was handling it privately,"

"We agreed two years ago that you wouldn't handle anything privately every again,"

"There are some situations where that rule doesn't apply." Cygnus interrupted. "However, this isn't one of them,"

"Sabrina is dangerous!" Elliot argued. "We have to get her away from dad before she does anything more to—," his voice trailed off.

"What are you talking about, my love?" Narcissa asked.

"Elliot," Draco and Jenna warned in unison. They both knew their mother would lose her senses if she found out what was happening at home.

"Children? I didn't know any of you were— whatever is the matter?" Druella walked into the room, astonished.

You could Avada the tension in the room. Druella watched as her youngest stood from the sofa and kneeled in front of her two children. Jenna nervously shifted and moved away from Narcissa. Elliot allowed her to grab his hand in need of maternal comfort.

"What aren't you three telling me?" Her voice was serious. The kind that every mom has had to use on their children.

Without hesitation, Elliot answered, "Sabrina has Blaise attempting to turn Draco into someone who only parties and has one night stands,"

  Jenna gasped, not realizing what was going on with her older brother. She had smelt the alcohol on his breath this morning but assumed he had been somewhere with Astoria.

"Oh, well..." Draco was too hungover.

"Sabrina hired someone to help Elliot with his posture. She says he's too tall to be in her wedding," Jenna stated. Elliot's eyes widened in fear and shock. He hadn't expected her to rat him out.

  Narcissa frowned at the news. Not only was her oldest being corrupted, but her youngest wasn't good enough? As a mother, she was shocked that Sabrina would subject her children like this.

"Two down," Cygnus turned to his granddaughter. "One to go,"

Jenna shrugged, "I am perfect,"

"Sabrina has Jenna on a diet. She makes her eat tiny portions and wake before the sun rises to run off the little bit of food she had. She claims she is too 'curvy' to be in the wedding," Draco said.

  The room slipped into silence. Narcissa looked at Jenna for confirmation, but she looked away. Her trembling form told her mother everything she needed to know.

"Why didn't any of you tell me?" She asked. Her children all looked away, unable to meet her gaze. "One of you should answer,"

"What good would it have done to worry you? We were all handling it just fine. We have a plan,"

Narcissa arched her eyebrow, "Don't talk about having a plan, Arabella Narcissa Cosette! The second Sabrina started acting like this you should have told me!"

"Told you about it so that you and dad could fight? Told you about it so that he would be mad and resentful toward us? Nothing good would have came from telling you!" Jenna argued back.

"Never in my entire life have I had someone disrespect me like this. Never!"

"I'm not disrespecting you! I'm asking a genuine question. We both know what would have happened, had we all been truthful! We just want you and dad back together. If that means enduring this evil woman for three more weeks then, that's what I will do!"

Both mother and daughter were red in the face, chests heaving from anger. Jenna sat down on the sofa again, biting her lip nervously. Walking away, Narcissa twirled her hair out of frustration. It was time to breathe.

"You are right." Elliot broke the silence. Jenna looked at him with confused eyes. "Mother is rather protective of us. It would have been ugly if we admitted to what was going on,"

"I can only imagine what she will do now," Draco said, sitting in between the pair.

Jenna nodded, "That's what I'm afraid of too,"

"Let's make a pact. From this point forward, we will not tell Narcissa anything else that happens within the walls of Malfoy Manor,"


"We could make an Unbreakable Vow," Draco suggested.

Jenna snorted, "Not with loose lips over there,"

"Hey— you're right," Elliot's shoulders slouched.

"Just don't tell her anything else,"

"Fine. We're going to continue with the spell, aren't we?"

"Of course,"

Jenna smirked, "Sabrina doesn't know what's coming. If she thinks she's bad, she clearly hasn't met us,"

"Oh no,"

"Sweet Merlin,"

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