Chapter Fourteen

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Malfoy Manor
Wiltshire, England
Date: Thursday, 9th of December, 2021

"I can't believe you are taking her side in this!"

"You threatened my wife in public!"

"She's not your wife. To other people, she's your fiancée. To me, she's the person who ruined our family!" Jenna screamed.

"You are not allowed to see your mother anymore. The second you come back from her care, you are a different person. I will not allow you to disrespect me in my own home," Lucius sneered. He watched her face fall; he had struck a nerve.

"Your home?" Jenna nodded. She stood from her bed and brushed past him. "I'm going for a walk. I promise not to touch anything in your home,"

He turned around, "Arabella, get back here! That's not what I meant," Not listening, Jenna continued down the hall.

Lucius sighed and sat down in one of the empty chairs. A small smile appeared on his face when he noticed the large stack of books next to it. Different spell books and muggle studies books were planted all over his daughter's room. If she continued her studies, Ara could become a professor at Hogwarts.

He could have a healer and a professor as children. What more could a father want? Elliot was their wild card. His mind changed daily on what he wanted to do after school. Of course, there was this mystery child as well. His heart desired another girl. They didn't get that experience with Arabella. This one could be their do-over.

Did it still count as a do-over if he and Cissa were no longer together? Their next child would most likely despise him in the same way his current children do. He couldn't help that he didn't know how to be a father. Abraxas was never father of the year material. Merlin, he needed a butterbeer. Lucius hid his face in his hands and groaned.

"I believe your daughter is doing the same thing right now,"

"Now isn't the time for another spat mother," He looked up surprised to see Druella looking back at him.

"I'm touched," She replied dryly. "however, I do not recall giving birth to a boy,"

"What are you doing here, Druella?"

  She held out a gold chain with a small circular diamond hanging from it. It had been Arabella's sixteenth birthday present from him and Narcissa. The look on her face made every galleon worth it.

"Ara left this on her nightstand. She's been wearing it so much that Cissy thought she would miss it," his ex-mother-in-law explained in a matter-of-fact tone.

"You can place it over there." Lucius pointed toward the dresser before rising from his seat. "Afterward, you can leave. Sabrina wouldn't be happy to see you here,"

"I'm not leaving until you explain why my granddaughter ignored my calls. I've never seen her in such a rush to get away from you, Lucius,"

"What happened between Arabella and I is none of your concern,"

"It is if it's upsetting her to the point of her silencing herself. She is too much like Narcissa. You know you can't push her to retreat into herself. We would never see her again," Druella's voice shook with emotion. He knew she was right. Narcissa had done that once, and he almost lost her.


Malfoy Manor
Wiltshire, England
Date: Monday, 15th of May 2006

  His wife was as different as different could be. Rumors were that they were both rather cold but warm with one another. Lucius Malfoy was feared whereas Narcissa Malfoy was just snotty.

  If someone asked him who scared him more, Draco would answer that it was his mother. Her silent disapproval caused his stomach to turn more than the angry screams of his father. Yes, their son chased Lucius around wanting his approval for everything. However, it was Narcissa he wanted to impress the most.

  She didn't smile the way she used to. The lady of the manor had reserved herself well. Her smile turned into a false upturn that lasted two seconds. Narcissa's dazzling blue eyes were always glazed over these days.

  Lucius couldn't recall the last time they held hands. The last time she kissed him, even on the cheek, was faint to his memory. She rarely talked. Her voice was small and hoarse whenever she did speak. Although, if you were to ask their friends no one would say these observations were correct.

  Ministry balls were a completely different experience with Narcissa. Here, she would laugh until the whole room heard her. Her dazzling eyes filled the life that they used to hold. She would link arms with Lucius and allow him to parade her around the room.

  He remembered her being like that at home too. His worst fear was Draco becoming like her. Taking over the ability to not feel something. Narcissa wasn't affectionate or loving. Men were warned about how emotional women could be; Lucius never experienced that with his wife.

  The birth of Draco and Arabella changed her for the better. Her heart swelled when her baby boy was placed on her chest. It had been a difficult birth and a difficult journey to become pregnant with him. Holding him made all of those memories disappear.

Those three years of his life were by far the happiest. It was a world without Tom Riddle and a world with his wife and children. Narcissa always had love in her eyes during that time.

  A cold hand gripped his heart as he pushed open the door to his bedroom. Narcissa slept soundly on her side with the covers pulled tightly around her body. She didn't leave their room much these days. Everything changed when Arabella was taken.

"Narcissa," he shook her away. Her pale skin worried him. Dark circles were displayed underneath her tired-looking eyes as she woke up. His heart skipped a beat at the sight.

She sighed, "I think I need help, Lucius," a small tear escaped her beautiful blue eyes. Those same eyes that once filled with light and love were now empty.

  He pulled her into his lap and felt his robes grow wet from her tears. Normally, he despised crying or any sort of emotion. This was the first emotion Narcissa had displayed in years. He could make an exception this one time.

"I know, love. I know,"


Present Day
Malfoy Manor

"That was a terrible time," Lucius admitted.

Druella nodded, "I wish I could have been there to help you. However, your father and my husband didn't believe that a baby could destroy the Dark Lord,"

  Their parents going into hiding was still a sensitive subject. Lucius and Narcissa agreed to the plan knowing that they were too old to fight for the cause. It was better for Voldemort to believe they had all died.

"I don't think anyone could have helped her. I certainly couldn't,"

"But you did, Lucius. You and Narcissa had a fascinating way of always comforting one another without knowing that you were providing comfort. It's a good thing to have when married,"

  Druella couldn't help but notice how correct her granddaughter had been. If Lucius was truly in love with Sabrina, he wouldn't think about Narcissa the way he thought of her. He should have blocked off his mind better. Her daughter didn't inherit her skills from her father.

"I should be going now. Narcissa has an appointment,"

"It was good to see you, Druella,"

She stopped and turned around in the doorway almost mirroring her granddaughter. "Don't lie, Lucius,"

"I'm not. It's good to see you,"

"You as well,"

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