Chapter Thirty-Five

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Malfoy Manor
Wiltshire, England
Date: Wednesday, 22nd of December 2021

"One day,"


"We have one day until the wedding. We have one day to get father and mother back together and one day to fix our broken family,"

  Jenna looked lost as her brother gazed out of the window. Suddenly, she realized how anxious he was over the situation before them. Narcissa and Lucius were all he had for twenty years. He thought his grandparents were dead, and he never knew about his little sister. It was the three of them against the world. The thought made her heart heavy with sympathy.

"We're going to succeed tomorrow," Elliot confirmed, his voice ruining the tense silence of the room. Jenna didn't say anything as she would never let herself promise something so meaningful.

"And if we don't?" Draco asked. Elliot and Jenna exchanged a confused look. Neither of them had thought about failing; they weren't used to it. "I feared that would be your reaction. This isn't good against evil, you two. This is mother and father against a psychopath,"

"If my memory serves me well, this isn't the first time they've had to escape a psychopath," Jenna said, turning a page in her spell book.

It had been ages since she last used her wand. She had forgotten all of the different flicks and tricks it required.

"Jenna, be serious,"

"I am, Draco! Voldemort was a psychopath, as were a majority of his Death Eaters. Narcissa and Lucius ran through the battle shouting for you. They were hated by both sides at that point. If they can dodge every spell that we threw their way and Voldemort's clutches, then everything will come up roses tomorrow,"

  He turned away from her cold glare and sighed. Deep down, Draco Malfoy knew every obstacle his parents had faced. He knew the separation wouldn't last long; he was shocked when the annulment came about. Lucius and Narcissa loved one another.

Elliot shifted uncomfortably at the intense change of mood. He didn't like it when his siblings fought. His parents were raising him to be the balance; the peacemaker between the two different personalities that made up his siblings. At this particular time, he found it hard not to side with Draco.

The unknown outcome of tomorrow was frightening to think about. Sabrina Zabini had done unspeakable things to them already. Who knows if she has anything up her sleeve for tomorrow?

"You both let her win when you argue like this." he broke the silence. "Sabrina wants to tear this family apart, and you both know it. Why are you letting her win?"

"Elliot," Jenna spoke up, but he cut her off.

"No! Don't make up an excuse, Jen. All you have ever wanted was a family of your own. You finally have one, why aren't you fighting for it? You're acting selfishly!" He saw her face fall, but Jenna didn't dare deny his claims. Deep down, she knew he was right.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw his brother smirk. That bloody ferret thought he was taking his side! All Elliot wanted to do was end their non-stop bickering.

"I don't know why you would find humor in this. You are just as bad as she is! We both are because I'm arguing with both of you. We are supposed to stick together, but you find a way to argue with her every time. It's you that starts it, Draco!"

"It is not!"

"Yes, it is!"

"Shut it," Jenna yelled.

"Why don't you?" asked Draco. "All you ever do is talk!"

"That isn't true!"

"Yes, it is! You say jump; we say how high?"

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