Chapter Thirty-Four

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Malfoy Manor
Wiltshire, England
Date: Tuesday, 21st of December 2021

"I've got time, I've got love
Got confidence you'll rise above
Give me a minute to hold my girl,"
~ George Ezra


  Jenna stepped onto her balcony and stared up at the bright night sky. She knew every constellation like the back of her hand. The story of Andromeda stood out to her more than most.

Andromeda was the daughter of King Cepheus and Queen Cassiopeia. One fateful day, Poseidon, the God of the Sea, sent a monster to kill her. He was quite angry after her mother claimed they were both more beautiful than the daughters of Nereus. To please him and spare Cassiopeia's life, they chained Andromeda to a rock and let her sink to the bottom of the sea.

Perseus managed to save her by slaying the sea monster sent to kill the couple's daughter. They then married, and Andromeda never saw her parents again. Poseidon was outraged at Cassiopeia's attempt to cheat death. His anger caused him to tie her to a chair in the heavens when she died. Jenna laughed at the punishment at first.

"No," Andromeda's tone grew serious. "it wasn't a normal chair Poseidon tide her to,"

Her index finger pointed to the bright constellation. Jenna followed and squinted her eyes, ready to study the details.

"Do you see how it looks like a reclining object?" Jenna nodded her head. "The chair revolved upside down for eternity. Cassiopeia spent half of her life in that position. Her constellation resembles her torture chair, "Andromeda laughed as the young girl's mouth hung open in amazement.

Jenna smiled softly at the memory. Those times were simple and filled with warmth. No, she wouldn't trade her parents for anything. However, she missed her aunt's stories, Tonks's transformations, and Ted's laugh.

A creek from within her room snapped her out of her thoughts. She slowly turned toward the noise and felt her breath catch in her throat.

"What on Earth are you doing here at this ungodly hour? Have you gone mental, Brooks?" she stepped inside as it began to rain. "Why are you here?"

He stared at her slightly shocked, "I had to bring Elliot something for the wedding. For some reason, I didn't think you would be in here,"

"You didn't think I would be in my room? Even though I live here?" Jenna asked, crossing her arms over her chest. "Honestly, if you're going to lie, you could do better than that,"

"I wanted to see you," Brooks admitted.

"Why? Don't you have to go home so you can owl Daphne Greengrass back?" She didn't attempt to hide the jealousy in her voice.

"Jealous much?"

"Big-headed much?"

He glared, "This is so like you. Every nice gesture anyone has ever or could ever do for you is ruined because of your heart!" Brooks turned his back to her. "Or lack thereof,"

"What did you say?!"

"I'm saying that if I cannot get through to you, no one ever will!"

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