Chapter Nineteen

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Black Manor
Tinsbury, England
Date: Tuesday, 14th of December 2021

"The course of true love never did run smooth,"
~ William Shakespeare

Narcissa stared at the ballroom with wide eyes. Floral arrangements filled the elaborate space as waiters circled with expensive hors d'oeuvres. It had been ages since Druella Black had hosted a Ministry ball, yet she hadn't lost her touch.

"You look marvelous, my dear," Cygnus pecked his youngest on the cheek.

"Thank you, father," she looked around sheepishly. "Is this everyone?"

"I believe so," Druella answered. "I wanted to keep the first one back rather small. We can't have everyone we knew back at once, agree?"

"It sure does look like the entire Wizarding World is here," Elliot came up and wrapped an arm around his mother.

  Narcissa's eyes darted toward the center of the room. Lucius and Sabrina stood on the dance floor talking to Kingsley Shackelbolt, who looked anything but amused to be speaking to the new Lady Malfoy. She watched as Arabella joined their small circle, muttering something that made the Minister of Magic laugh.

  Her heart leaped as familiar steel-grey eyes looked in her direction. Having been spotted, she took the moment to redirect her gaze toward Elliot. She hadn't realized he was standing beside her until now.  The concerned looks from her parents confirmed it had been a while.

"Are you alright, dear? Has something happened with the baby?" Andromeda asked. When had her sister approached them?

"I may have been lost in thought,"

Druella nodded, her eyebrow arched with suspicion, "Yes, it appears so,"

"Mother, come dance with me." Elliot grabbed her hand. "I do believe this is your favorite song,"

  The string quartet began to play the softest version of Moon River she's ever heard. Her son waltzed around the packed dance floor with her as elegantly as his father used to. No surprise considering Lucius had taught him how to over the summer.

"Don't let their presence bother you," Elliot whispered, his eyes not meeting hers.

"Why would mother invite them? She knows Sabrina and I no longer get along and that things are tense between your father and me." Narcissa waited for a response, but nothing came. "Elliot, what is going on?"

"I have no idea what you mean,"

"Elliot Cygnus Malfoy, what are you and your siblings up to?" Her eyes narrowed but he wouldn't look at her. "I know your sister very well. She wouldn't approach them if it wasn't to her benefit,"

"She must be ill," he shrugged and twirled her so that she would land in Cygnus's waiting arms.

Draco and her mother moved onto the floor as well. Both partners blocked her view of Arabella in the meantime. Furious, Narcissa went to break her sons away from the floor. However, Cygnus's tight grip kept her from leaving.

"What aren't my children telling me?" She demanded. Cygnus smiled and hummed the tune softly against her hair as he pressed her close.

"Some things are better left alone. Don't you agree, love?" he calmly asked.



  Narcissa sighed and laid her head on her father's chest. Life was filled with surprises these days. Merlin, the child kicking within her womb was the biggest one yet. She turned again to see her children laughing with Astoria and Druella. Deep down, she knew whatever they were doing was thoroughly planned out.

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